2015-02-05 4 views

Недавно я сделал программу обработки Java для загрузки изображения и размытия, но теперь я помещаю эту функцию в класс как метод и получил эта ошибка:Ошибка обработки: не могу вызвать blurImage (int, int, int) для примитивного типа int

Cannot invoke blurImage(int, int, int) on thee primitive type int

мой класс:

//create class called ImageProcessing where all image editing methonds will be 
class ImageProcessing { 
    //create function "blurImage" which takes in an xOffset, a yOffset, and a blur amount 
    //xOffset and yOffset is changing where the grid starts so the make the blurring algorithm less pixelated using other methods when calling this function 
    //the blur amount is how big each box in the grid is 
    void blurImage(int xOffset, int yOffset, int blurAmount) { 
    //loop through x in the image starting at the negative xOffset and incrementing by the blurAmouint/2 
    //the negative xOffset's purpose is to start the offset off the grid so as to blur the whole image no matter the offset 
    //incrementing by the blurAmount/2 is done because it needs to go in both directions 
    for (int x = -xOffset; x < pic.width; x += blurAmount/2) { 
     //loop through the same way for the y so that we can got though in 2 dimentions instead of just 1 
     for (int y = -yOffset; y < pic.height; y += blurAmount/2) { 
     //create a 2D array called p that is the size of the blur amount, the size of the box; this is the box 
     color[][] p = new color[blurAmount][blurAmount]; 
     //initialize variables that are the averages of each color channel 
     int redAverage = 0; 
     int greenAverage = 0; 
     int blueAverage = 0; 

     //loop through the blurAmount in both dimentions to refrence all the pixels in the p array 
     for (int a = 0; a < blurAmount; a++) { 
      for (int b = 0; b < blurAmount; b++) { 
      //fill the array with the colors of the current box on the grid so i can refrence them easily 
      p[a][b] = pic.get(x + a, y + b); 
      //these lines add up the Red Green and Blue channels into their individual variables 
      //the "(p[a][b] >> 16) & 0xFF" is first shifting the hexidecimal number over into the correct position and then chopping off the extra bits to the right 
      redAverage += (p[a][b] >> 16) & 0xFF; 
      greenAverage += (p[a][b] >> 8) & 0xFF; 
      blueAverage += p[a][b] & 0xFF; 

     //dividing the red averages by the square of the blurAmount 
     //the squaring is needed to find the area in pixels, this makes the average 
     redAverage /= (int)(blurAmount * blurAmount); 
     greenAverage /= (int)(blurAmount * blurAmount); 
     blueAverage /= (int)(blurAmount * blurAmount); 

     //create color from the average values 
     color blur = color(redAverage, greenAverage, blueAverage); 

     //loop through the current box on the grid the same way as before 
     for (int a = 0; a < blurAmount; a++) { 
      for (int b = 0; b < blurAmount; b++) { 
      //setting all the pixels in the box to the color of the averages 
      //the reason for the "x + a" and the "y + b": 
      //find the location of the pixels in the box relative to the top left corner of it 
      pic.set(x + a, y + b, blur); 

мой код, чтобы назвать его:

//The purpose of this program is to create a blurring algorithm that can 
//adjust to pixelate or blur the image at different levels. 
//We first need to split th image into a grid and work with each box on the grid individually. 
//After this we get all the color values from each pixel in the box and store it in our code. 
//We can then add all the reds together, the greens together, and the blues together and divide each by the number of pixels. 
//Next, we turn all the three average into a color variable and set all the pixels in the current box the that color 
//If we run this multiple times, we can change the blur amount each time and offset the grid to get less pixelated results, we can get a smoother image. 
//Kwown Issues: 
//none so far 
//Created by Matthew Teta 

//create instance of my ImageProcessing claa 
ImageProcessing i = new ImageProcessing(); 

//Make sketch full screen 
boolean sketchFullScreen() { 
    return true; 

//initialize image 
PImage pic; 

void setup() { 
    //load image from file and save it into pic PImage 
    pic = loadImage("image.jpg"); 
    //create window at size of picture 
    size(pic.width, pic.height); 
//maxBlur is the starting variable for the blur; TL;DR sets the first size of the grid boxes; also used for the temperary blur value running later in my code 
float maxBlur = 16; 
//initialize the blurDecrement 
int blurDecrement = 0; 
//create variable that is the amount of times the blurring algorithm is run 
//RECOMENDATION: make the blur half of the maxBlur 
//the lower the value the more pixelated 
int blur = 1; 
//simple boolean so that my code for running the blur is only run once at the beginning 
boolean first = true; 

void draw() { 
    //calling "first()" if this is the first iteration 
    if (first) { 

    //save image in file called "blurred-img" as a jpg 

    //setting the variable for runniong the code once to false so that is won't be run again 
    first = false; 

//create function first that is only run one time when the program is run 
void first() { 
    //first find the blurDecrement so that we will get a smooth transition for the number of iterations of the blur algorithm we have 
    blurDecrement = (int)(maxBlur/blur); 

    //iterate through blur, the number of times to blur 
    for (int i = 0; i < blur; i++) { 
    //run blur algorithm at the blurDecrement for the x and y offsets using the maxBlur 
    //remember: the maxBlur is also used to store the value after being decremented in the loop 
    i.blurImage(blurDecrement, blurDecrement, round(maxBlur)); 
    //draw the image on the canvas at the top left point, (0, 0) 
    image(pic, 0, 0); 

    //decrement maxBlur by the blurDecrement value 
    maxBlur -= blurDecrement; 

Ошибка на линии

i.blurImage(blurDecrement, blurDecrement, round(maxBlur));

Я искал в интернете для этой проблемы, но не получил то, что хотел. Заранее благодарим за ответ!


Вы пробовали 'Int переменная = раунд (maxBlur)', а затем положить 'var' в качестве параметра? –


Я просто попробовал это и получил ту же ошибку – MatthewTeta



HINT в нижнем цикле, вы объявляете i как int в: int i = 0. Помните, что локальные переменные имеют приоритет над глобальными переменными. Попробуйте переименовать свой объект i примерно на object_i. т.е. ImageProcessing object_i = new ImageProcessing();

for (int i = 0; i < blur; i++) { 

    i.Func(foo);// the problem = object name is same as int variable name. 

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