2014-10-16 3 views

Я установил тему загрузки для Wordpress, но у меня возникла проблема с выравниванием сетки.Boostrap Сетка не выровнена

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«Семя» должно быть слева, а «Другие товары» справа выровнены со вторым элементом «LeafLine».

Что это может быть?



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Я выбрал это решение из-за его очень короткой коррекции на основных файлах WordPress темы. Благодарю. – SolidSnake


Это легкое исправление. Вам просто нужно поместить содержимое в две строки или два столбца. Поскольку в первом левом блоке больше текста, блок Seed выталкивается. Вам просто нужно увеличить прописку ниже строк.

Пример со строками: http://www.bootply.com/PjWnLEAOMT

<div class="row"> 
       <div class="col-sm-6"> 
      <div class="media services"> 
         <div class="media-body"> 
       <h3 class="media-heading">Primo</h3> 
       This is Leaf Space main project. A super lightweight two-stage launch vehicle able to bring up to 50 kg to Low Earth Orbit. The use of composite materials and hybrid proprulsive technology make Primo extremely safe, reliable and enviromental friendly, ensuring precise orbit inserction and extremely low risk of failure. All the components are designed with reusability in mind for future implementation of a reusable launch vehicle.   </div> 
       <div class="col-sm-6"> 
      <div class="media services"> 
         <div class="media-body"> 
       <h3 class="media-heading">LeafLine</h3> 
       A ground stations network exclusively dedicated to nano, micro and smallsats is under development. LeafLine can support several orbits and different transmission protocols. A direct encrypted online link ensures simple and safe data collection and control transmissions to satellite operators.   </div> 
    <div class="row"> 
       <div class="col-sm-6"> 
      <div class="media services"> 
         <div class="media-body"> 
       <h3 class="media-heading">Seed</h3> 
       Thanks to its great versatility and reliability, hybrid propulsion can be used for several applications. Leaf Space is developing Seed, a next generation hybrid rocket motor designed for in space applications such as: 
    <li>orbital maneuvers</li> 
The first design is dedicated to nano and microsats, other future improved versions will serve also heavier satellites.   </div> 
       <div class="col-sm-6"> 
      <div class="media services"> 
         <div class="media-body"> 
       <h3 class="media-heading">Other Services</h3> 
       Other Services 
To complete the offer of Leaf Space, a series of services dedicated to nano and microsatellites will be available, also in collaboration with other companies. Among them: 
    <li>technical advice</li> 
    <li>satellite integration in the payload vain</li> 
    <li>safety and law issues</li> 
</ul>   </div> 

Пример с двумя колоннами: http://www.bootply.com/bms2sLZ1ZJ

<div class="row"> 
       <div class="col-sm-6"> 
      <div class="media services"> 
         <div class="media-body"> 
       <h3 class="media-heading">Primo</h3> 
       This is Leaf Space main project. A super lightweight two-stage launch vehicle able to bring up to 50 kg to Low Earth Orbit. The use of composite materials and hybrid proprulsive technology make Primo extremely safe, reliable and enviromental friendly, ensuring precise orbit inserction and extremely low risk of failure. All the components are designed with reusability in mind for future implementation of a reusable launch vehicle.   </div> 
     <div class="media services"> 
         <div class="media-body"> 
       <h3 class="media-heading">Seed</h3> 
       Thanks to its great versatility and reliability, hybrid propulsion can be used for several applications. Leaf Space is developing Seed, a next generation hybrid rocket motor designed for in space applications such as: 
    <li>orbital maneuvers</li> 
The first design is dedicated to nano and microsats, other future improved versions will serve also heavier satellites.   </div> 
       <div class="col-sm-6"> 

     <div class="media services"> 
         <div class="media-body"> 
       <h3 class="media-heading">LeafLine</h3> 
       A ground stations network exclusively dedicated to nano, micro and smallsats is under development. LeafLine can support several orbits and different transmission protocols. A direct encrypted online link ensures simple and safe data collection and control transmissions to satellite operators.   </div> 
      </div><div class="media services"> 
         <div class="media-body"> 
       <h3 class="media-heading">Other Services</h3> 
       Other Services 
To complete the offer of Leaf Space, a series of services dedicated to nano and microsatellites will be available, also in collaboration with other companies. Among them: 
    <li>technical advice</li> 
    <li>satellite integration in the payload vain</li> 
    <li>safety and law issues</li> 
</ul>   </div> 

Очевидно, что второй производит более чистый результат, насколько обивка идет.

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