2016-06-27 2 views

Интересно, извлекает ли Bio.Entrezefetch() все метаданные статьи PubMed, учитывая PMID в качестве входных данных. По всем метаданным я имею в виду, имеет ли PubMed больше метаданных, чем то, что извлекает efetch().Получает ли efetch() eOffice Bio.Entrez все метаданные статьи PubMed?

Например, я вижу, что для PMID 23954024, efetch() получает аннотацию, которая содержит немного меньше информации, чем реферата на сайте PubMed (в http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23954024):


"AbstractText": [ 
    "Rotator cuff tendinopathy is a common source of shoulder pain characterised by persistent and/or recurrent problems for a proportion of sufferers. The aim of this study was to pilot the methods proposed to conduct a substantive study to evaluate the effectiveness of a self-managed loaded exercise programme versus usual physiotherapy treatment for rotator cuff tendinopathy.", 
    "A single-centre pragmatic unblinded parallel group pilot randomised controlled trial.", 
    "One private physiotherapy clinic, northern England.", 
    "Twenty-four participants with rotator cuff tendinopathy.", 
    "The intervention was a programme of self-managed loaded exercise. The control group received usual physiotherapy treatment.", 
    "Baseline assessment comprised the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) and the Short-Form 36, repeated three months post randomisation.", 
    "The recruitment target was met and the majority of participants (98%) were willing to be randomised. 100% retention was attained with all participants completing the SPADI at three months. Exercise adherence rates were excellent (90%). The mean change in SPADI score was -23.7 (95% CI -14.4 to -33.3) points for the self-managed exercise group and -19.0 (95% CI -6.0 to -31.9) points for the usual physiotherapy treatment group. The difference in three month SPADI scores was 0.1 (95% CI -16.6 to 16.9) points in favour of the usual physiotherapy treatment group.", 
    "In keeping with previous research which indicates the need for further evaluation of self-managed loaded exercise for rotator cuff tendinopathy, these methods and the preliminary evaluation of outcome offer a foundation and stimulus to conduct a substantive study." 

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23954024: Abstract ЦЕЛИ: Теннипинопатия манжеты ротатора является co миллионный источник боли в плече, характеризующийся постоянными и/или повторяющимися проблемами для части страдающих. Цель этого исследования состояла в том, чтобы пилотировать методы, предлагаемые для проведения существенного исследования для оценки эффективности самоконтролируемой загруженной программы упражнений по сравнению с обычной физиотерапевтической терапией для тензинопатии манжеты ротатора.

A single-centre pragmatic unblinded parallel group pilot randomised controlled trial. 

One private physiotherapy clinic, northern England. 

Twenty-four participants with rotator cuff tendinopathy. 

The intervention was a programme of self-managed loaded exercise. The control group received usual physiotherapy treatment. 

Baseline assessment comprised the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) and the Short-Form 36, repeated three months post randomisation. 

The recruitment target was met and the majority of participants (98%) were willing to be randomised. 100% retention was attained with all participants completing the SPADI at three months. Exercise adherence rates were excellent (90%). The mean change in SPADI score was -23.7 (95% CI -14.4 to -33.3) points for the self-managed exercise group and -19.0 (95% CI -6.0 to -31.9) points for the usual physiotherapy treatment group. The difference in three month SPADI scores was 0.1 (95% CI -16.6 to 16.9) points in favour of the usual physiotherapy treatment group. 

In keeping with previous research which indicates the need for further evaluation of self-managed loaded exercise for rotator cuff tendinopathy, these methods and the preliminary evaluation of outcome offer a foundation and stimulus to conduct a substantive study. 

(OBJECTIVES, DESIGN, SETTING и т.д. отсутствуют efetch() «s реферата.)

Какие другие метаданные делает efetch() промаха, и есть ли способ программно получить недостающую информацию?



Информационный не хватает:

from Bio import Entrez 
Entrez.email = "[email protected]" 

handle = Entrez.efetch(db="pubmed", id="23954024", rettype="xml") 


Часть продукции:

<AbstractText Label="OBJECTIVES" NlmCategory="OBJECTIVE">Rotator cuff tendinopathy is a common source of shoulder pain characterised by persistent and/or recurrent problems for a proportion of sufferers. The aim of this study was to pilot the methods proposed to conduct a substantive study to evaluate the effectiveness of a self-managed loaded exercise programme versus usual physiotherapy treatment for rotator cuff tendinopathy.</AbstractText> 
<AbstractText Label="DESIGN" NlmCategory="METHODS">A single-centre pragmatic unblinded parallel group pilot randomised controlled trial.</AbstractText> 
<AbstractText Label="SETTING" NlmCategory="METHODS">One private physiotherapy clinic, northern England.</AbstractText> 

Чтобы продлить ответ xbello, никакой, информация не хватает, но немного скрыта.

from Bio import Entrez 

Entrez.email = "[email protected]" 
handle = Entrez.efetch(db="pubmed", id="23954024", rettype="xml") 
records = Entrez.read(handle) 

for record in records: 

    m = record['MedlineCitation']['Article']['Abstract']['AbstractText'] 
    for subsection in m: 

Усеченный выход:


вращающей манжеты тендопатия является общим источником боли плеча характеризуется стойкими и/или рецидивирующих проблем для доля больных. Цель этого исследования состояла в том, чтобы пилотировать методы , предлагаемые для проведения существенного исследования для оценки эффективности автономной загруженной программы упражнений по сравнению с обычной физиотерапевтической терапией для тензинопатии манжеты ротатора.


Один-центр прагматичная слепая параллельная пилотная группы рандомизированы контролируемого исследования.

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