2016-07-15 5 views

Я хочу получить все данные из базы данных, но есть ошибка компиляции, и я новичок в android. Это мой класс, в котором я хочу получить всех пользователей из таблицы и показать там имя в списке. Если имени нет, то имя пользователя будет именем. Ошибка, которую я получаю, не доступна.Как получить JSon с сервера в ListView?

package com.gmakerorganisation.glocator.Fragments; 

import android.app.ProgressDialog; 
import android.os.AsyncTask; 
import android.os.Bundle; 
import android.support.v4.app.Fragment; 
import android.util.Log; 
import android.view.LayoutInflater; 
import android.view.View; 
import android.view.ViewGroup; 
import android.widget.ListAdapter; 
import android.widget.ListView; 
import android.widget.SimpleAdapter; 

import com.android.volley.RequestQueue; 
import com.gmakerorganisation.glocator.Config; 
import com.gmakerorganisation.glocator.GetAllUsers; 
import com.gmakerorganisation.glocator.R; 

import org.json.JSONArray; 
import org.json.JSONException; 
import org.json.JSONObject; 

import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.HashMap; 

public class Sendrequest extends Fragment { 
    private RequestQueue requestQueue; 
    ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> UserList; 
    private static final String TAG_ID = "id"; 
    private static final String TAG_USERNAME = "username"; 
    private static final String TAG_NAME = "name"; 
    private static final String TAG_PHONE = "phone"; 
    private static final String TAG_PROFILE = "profile"; 

    ListView listView; 
    public Sendrequest() { 
     // Required empty public constructor 

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, 
          Bundle savedInstanceState) { 
     // Inflate the layout for this fragment 
     View v=inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_sendrequest, container, false); 
     new GetStudents().execute(); 

     return v; 

    private class GetStudents extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> { 

     // Hashmap for ListView 

     ProgressDialog pDialog; 

     protected void onPreExecute() { 


     protected Void doInBackground(Void... arg0) { 
      // Creating service handler class instance 
      GetAllUsers webreq = new GetAllUsers(); 

      // Making a request to url and getting response 
      String jsonStr = webreq.makeWebServiceCall(Config.USERS_URL, GetAllUsers.GET); 

      Log.d("Response: ", "> " + jsonStr); 

      UserList = ParseJSON(jsonStr); 

      return null; 

     protected void onPostExecute(Void result) { 
      // Dismiss the progress dialog 
      * Updating parsed JSON data into ListView 
      li * */ 

      ListAdapter adapter = new SimpleAdapter(
        getActivity().getApplicationContext(), UserList, 
        R.layout.list_item, new String[]{TAG_NAME, TAG_PHONE}, new int[]{R.id.name, 


    private ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> ParseJSON(String json) { 
     if (json != null) { 
      try { 
       // Hashmap for ListView 
       ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> studentList = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>(); 

       JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(json); 

       // Getting JSON Array node 
       JSONArray userrs = jsonObj.getJSONArray(null); 

       // looping through All Students 
       for (int i = 0; i < userrs.length(); i++) { 
        JSONObject c = userrs.getJSONObject(i); 

        String id = c.getString(TAG_ID); 
        String username = c.getString(TAG_USERNAME); 
        String name = c.getString(TAG_NAME); 
        String phone = c.getString(TAG_PHONE); 
        String profile = c.getString(TAG_PROFILE); 

        // tmp hashmap for single student 
        HashMap<String, String> user = new HashMap<String, String>(); 

        // adding each child node to HashMap key => value 
        user.put(TAG_ID, id); 
        user.put(TAG_USERNAME, username); 
        user.put(TAG_NAME, name); 
        user.put(TAG_PHONE, phone); 
        user.put(TAG_PROFILE, profile); 

        // adding student to students list 
       return studentList; 
      } catch (JSONException e) { 
       return null; 
     } else { 
      Log.e("ServiceHandler", "Couldn't get any data from the url"); 
      return null; 


класс GetAllUser

package com.gmakerorganisation.glocator; 

import java.io.BufferedReader; 
import java.io.BufferedWriter; 
import java.io.InputStreamReader; 
import java.io.OutputStream; 
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; 
import java.net.HttpURLConnection; 
import java.net.URL; 
import java.net.URLEncoder; 
import java.util.HashMap; 
import java.util.Map; 

import javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection; 

* Created by user on 14-07-2016. 
public class GetAllUsers { 
    static String response = null; 
    public final static int GET = 1; 
    public final static int POST = 2; 

    //Constructor with no parameter 
    public GetAllUsers() { 


    * Making web service call 
    * @url - url to make request 
    * @requestmethod - http request method 
    public String makeWebServiceCall(String url, int requestmethod) { 
     return this.makeWebServiceCall(url, requestmethod, null); 

    * Making service call 
    * @url - url to make request 
    * @requestmethod - http request method 
    * @params - http request params 
    public String makeWebServiceCall(String urladdress, int requestmethod, 
            HashMap<String, String> params) { 
     URL url; 
     String response = ""; 
     try { 
      url = new URL(urladdress); 

      HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); 

      if (requestmethod == POST) { 
      } else if (requestmethod == GET) { 

      if (params != null) { 
       OutputStream os = conn.getOutputStream(); 
       BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(
         new OutputStreamWriter(os, "UTF-8")); 

       StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); 
       boolean first = true; 
       for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : params.entrySet()) { 
        if (first) 
         first = false; 

        result.append(URLEncoder.encode(entry.getKey(), "UTF-8")); 
        result.append(URLEncoder.encode(entry.getValue(), "UTF-8")); 



      int responseCode = conn.getResponseCode(); 

      if (responseCode == HttpsURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { 
       String line; 
       BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream())); 
       while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { 
        response += line; 
      } else { 
       response = ""; 
     } catch (Exception e) { 

     return response; 

Мой исходный PHP код


//If a post request is detected 

    //Importing the dbConnect script 

    $users = array(); 

      $sql = "SELECT id , username, name, phone, profile FROM glocator"; 
      $result = mysqli_query($con,$sql); 

     if (mysqli_num_rows($result)>0) { 
      while ($row =mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { 
       $users['id'] = $row['id']; 
       $users['username'] = $row['username']; 
       $users['name'] = $row['name']; 
       $users['phone'] = $row['phone']; 
       $users['profile'] = $row['profile']; 

      echo json_encode($users); 

    //Closing the database 

И я использую почтальона так, когда я отправить запрос пост дает Эти данные

{"id":"1","username":"gmaker","name":"SHUBHAM SHARMA","phone":"9711979977","profile":"http:\/\/glocator.esy.es\/profilepicture\/1."}{"id":"4","username":"somnath","name":"","phone":"9582223881","profile":""}{"id":"7","username":"shitij","name":"","phone":"9650154839","profile":""}   

Какая ваша ошибка? – Jas


Ваша неправильная структура json – Jas


json wrong. скопируйте и вставьте json здесь http://jsonprettyprint.com/ –



У вас есть некоторые ошибки, скопируйте J SON и проверьте здесь.

Его необходимо выглядит следующим образом:

    "name":"SHUBHAM SHARMA", 

Теперь вы можете следовать некоторым следующим учебникам.

Android json parsing using okhttp example with new material design library


файл Json не содержит array.Then вы не можете использовать его для получения данных путем создания объекта jsonarray..so попробуйте этот код и удалить цикл.

JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(json); 

// looping through All Students 
JSONObject c = JSONObject.getJSONObject(jsonobj); 

String id = c.getString(TAG_ID); 
String username = c.getString(TAG_USERNAME); 
String name = c.getString(TAG_NAME); 
String phone = c.getString(TAG_PHONE); 
String profile = c.getString(TAG_PROFILE); 
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