2016-10-19 2 views

im полностью смущает то, что я должен сделать для увеличения высоты ячейки таблицы в режиме исполнения, когда пользователь вводит какой-то текст в UITextview, и я даю ограничение на UItextView, что влево, вправо, нижний и верхний промежутки 5px. что я показываю на своем экране, и я не использую какой-либо пользовательский класс tableviewcell. Я хочу выполнить эту задачу в одном контроллере. я просто использовать XCode 7.3 и мою быструю версию 2,0Как увеличить высоту таблицы tableview во время выполнения, когда пользователь вводит некоторый текст в UITextview

@IBOutlet var tedxtviewtableview: UITableView! 
    var record : NSArray = NSArray() 
    var hight: CGFloat = 0.0 
    var newtextstring : NSString = NSString() 

мой статический массив.

record = ["I have a UITextView in a custom UITableViewCell. The textview delegate is assigned in the tableviewcell custom class." ,"Textview scrolling is disabled. Text loads into each textview and is multiline. But the text is always clipped because the cell height doesn't change.","I have the following in viewDidLoad of the tableview controller:"," have a UITextView in a custom UITableViewCell. The textview delegate is assigned in the tableviewcell custom class.","Textview scrolling is disabled. Text loads into each textview and is multiline. But the text is always clipped because the cell height doesn't change.","I have the following in viewDidLoad of the tableview controller:","i just give you one link at put place i use label and you can now use your textview and give same constrain that i give in that link and try it so your problem will be solve","I have the following in viewDidLoad of the tableview controller:"]; 

// tableview delegates method 

func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int { 
     return record.count 

func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { 
     let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("Textviewcell", forIndexPath: indexPath) 
     let textview: UITextView = (cell.viewWithTag(5) as! UITextView) 
     textview.scrollEnabled = false 
     textview.text = record.objectAtIndex(indexPath.row) as? String 
     Textchange = false 
     return cell 

func textViewDidChange(textView: UITextView , Nsindex : NSIndexPath) { 
     newtextstring = textView.text 

     // This will cause an animated update of 
     Textchange = true 
     self.tableView(self.tedxtviewtableview, heightForRowAtIndexPath: Nsindex) 


func tableView(tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> CGFloat { 
     // 7.1> 
     if Textchange == true { 
      hight = self.findHeightForText(newtextstring as String, havingWidth: self.view.frame.size.width - 10, andFont: UIFont.systemFontOfSize(14.0)).height 
      return 44 + hight 
      hight = self.findHeightForText(self.record.objectAtIndex(indexPath.row) as! String, havingWidth: self.view.frame.size.width - 10, andFont: UIFont.systemFontOfSize(14.0)).height 
      return 44 + hight 

func findHeightForText(text: String, havingWidth widthValue: CGFloat, andFont font: UIFont) -> CGSize { 

    var size = CGSizeZero 
    if text.isEmpty == false { 
    let frame = text.boundingRectWithSize(CGSizeMake(widthValue, CGFloat.max), options: .UsesLineFragmentOrigin, attributes: [NSFontAttributeName: font], context: nil) 
     size = CGSizeMake(frame.size.width, ceil(frame.size.height)) 
    return size 


Если я не ошибаюсь, вы ищете это http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39868532/can-i-change-height-of-uitableviewcell-real-time/39870884#39870884 –


См. Вторую часть моей ответ: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40071611/how-can-i-modify-the-heightforrowatindexpath-so-that-it-adjust-height-to-the-tex/40072101#40072101 – Rikh


Просто передайте свои textview на вашем контроллере таблиц и вызовите tableview 'beginUpdate' и' endUpdate' в textWidChange textView, и он пересчитает высоту вашей ячейки, если вы поддерживаете ios8 +, тогда лучше используйте 'UITableViewAutomaticDimension' для высоты ячейки. – Tj3n



Возьмите переменной

var indexPath1 : NSIndexPath = NSIndexPath() 

Просто измените эту вещь в вашем коде

func textViewDidChange(textView: UITextView){ 

     let textFieldRowCell = (textView.superview!.superview! as! UITableViewCell) 
     indexPath1 = self.tedxtviewtableview.indexPathForCell(textFieldRowCell)! //self.tedxtviewtableview.indexPath(forCell: textFieldRowCell)! 

     newtextstring = textView.text 

     // This will cause an animated update of 
     //Textchange = true 
     self.tableView(self.tedxtviewtableview, heightForRowAtIndexPath: indexPath1) 


func tableView(tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> CGFloat { 
     // 7.1> 
     if indexPath == indexPath1 { 
       hight = self.findHeightForText(newtextstring as String, havingWidth: self.view.frame.size.width - 10, andFont: UIFont.systemFontOfSize(14.0)).height 
      return 44 + hight 
      hight = self.findHeightForText(self.record.objectAtIndex(indexPath.row) as! String, havingWidth: self.view.frame.size.width - 10, andFont: UIFont.systemFontOfSize(14.0)).height 
      return 44 + hight 

Надеется, что он будет работать


его работа для меня спасибо. –

// ViewController.swift 
// CapturePhotoApp 
// Created by CS23 on 09/08/17. 
// Copyright © 2017 cearsinfotech. All rights reserved. 

import UIKit 
import PinterestLayout 
import Stripe 
class ViewController: UIViewController ,UICollectionViewDelegate , UICollectionViewDataSource , PinterestLayoutDelegate , UIGestureRecognizerDelegate{ 

    @IBOutlet var MainView: UIView! 

    @IBOutlet var LightHeaderView: UIView! 
    @IBOutlet var LightHeaderWidth: NSLayoutConstraint! 
    @IBOutlet var lblHeaderTitle: UILabel! 
    var isAppfirst : Bool = false 
    var isscrolling : Bool = true 
    var Isopen : Bool = true 
    var Globaltimer: Timer? 

    @IBOutlet var TutorialView: UIView! 
    var ismoredata : Bool = false 
    var IsFinish = false 
    var pageCount = 1 
    var pageSize = 30 
    var orderType : String = "" 
    var lastcellindex : Int = 1 

    var DownloadiMage : UIImageView = UIImageView() 

    @IBOutlet var GotITWidth: NSLayoutConstraint! 
    @IBOutlet var btnTutorialgotit: UIButton! 
    @IBOutlet var ImageCollectionview: UICollectionView! 
    var arr_img : NSMutableArray = NSMutableArray() 
    var arr_responseObject : NSMutableArray = NSMutableArray() 
    var swipeRight : UISwipeGestureRecognizer? 
    var swipeleft : UISwipeGestureRecognizer? 

    @IBAction func btn_got_it(_ sender: Any) { 
     UserDefaults.standard.set(true, forKey: "isFirstView") 
     TutorialView.isHidden = true 
     self.LightHeaderView.alpha = 1.0 
     UIView.animate(withDuration: 5.0, animations: { 
      self.LightHeaderView.alpha = 0.0 

    var manager = AFHTTPSessionManager() 

    //MARK:- view life cycle 

    override func viewDidLoad() { 

     if let isfirst = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "isFirstView") as? Bool { 
      isAppfirst = isfirst 
      TutorialView.isHidden = true 
      GIFProgressHUD .show(withGIFName: "loader", addedTo: self.view, animated: true) 

      TutorialView.isHidden = false 
     btnTutorialgotit.layer.cornerRadius = btnTutorialgotit.frame.size.height/2 
     btnTutorialgotit.clipsToBounds = true 
     LightHeaderView.layer.cornerRadius = LightHeaderView.frame.size.height/2 
     LightHeaderView.clipsToBounds = true 
     LightHeaderView.alpha = 0.0 
     orderType = "New" 
     lblHeaderTitle.text = orderType.uppercased() 
     if UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad{ 
      ImageCollectionview.scrollPointsPerSecond = 70.0 
      LightHeaderWidth.constant = 300 
      GotITWidth.constant = 286 
      if UIScreen.main.bounds.width == 375 
       GotITWidth.constant = 230 
       ImageCollectionview.scrollPointsPerSecond = 70.0 
       LightHeaderWidth.constant = 180 
      else if UIScreen.main.bounds.width == 414 
       GotITWidth.constant = 286 
       ImageCollectionview.scrollPointsPerSecond = 90.0 
       LightHeaderWidth.constant = 200 
       ImageCollectionview.scrollPointsPerSecond = 70.0 

     let layout = PinterestLayout() 
     ImageCollectionview.collectionViewLayout = layout 
     layout.delegate = self 
     layout.cellPadding = 3 
     layout.numberOfColumns = 3 

     self.callWebserviceAuthorize(pageindex: pageCount, Pagesize: pageSize) 
     self.ImageCollectionview.addInfiniteScrolling { 

      if !self.IsFinish{ 
       self.pageCount += 1 
       self.callWebserviceAuthorize(pageindex: self.pageCount, Pagesize: self.pageSize) 

     NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(ViewController.methodOfReceivedNotification(notification:)), name: Notification.Name("pushProductViewNew"), object: nil) 
     NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(ViewController.openSearchView(notification:)), name: Notification.Name("openSearchView"), object: nil) 
     NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(ViewController.NewDataLoadNotification(notification:)), name: Notification.Name("RemoveGestureNewPhoto"), object: nil) 

     if AppUtilities.sharedInstance.GetBoolForObserver(str: "NewPhoto") != "1"{ 

     if AppUtilities.sharedInstance.isactivemode{ 
      // here open view image 

      let imageInfo = JTSImageInfo() 
      imageInfo.imageURL = URL(string: (AppUtilities.sharedInstance.ImagePrivewDict.object(forKey: "url") as? String)!) 
      imageInfo.istrading = AppUtilities.sharedInstance.ImagePrivewDict.object(forKey: "Istrading") as! String 
      imageInfo.title = AppUtilities.sharedInstance.ImagePrivewDict.object(forKey: "title") as? String 
      imageInfo.altText = AppUtilities.sharedInstance.ImagePrivewDict.object(forKey: "altText") as? String 
      imageInfo.thumbnail = AppUtilities.sharedInstance.ImagePrivewDict.object(forKey: "Thumbnail") as? String 
      let imageViewer = JTSImageViewController(imageInfo: imageInfo, arry: nil, index: 0, mode: .image, backgroundStyle: .blurred) 
      imageViewer?.show(from: self, transition: .center) 
      AppUtilities.sharedInstance.isactivemode = false 



    override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) { 
     UIApplication.shared.statusBarStyle = .default 
     if Isopen == false{ 
      self.perform(#selector(self.startTimer), with: nil, afterDelay: 5.0) 

     if AppUtilities.sharedInstance.appDelegate.is_Landscape != UIDevice.current.orientation.isLandscape{ 


     Isopen = true 

    override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) { 
     NSObject.cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget: self, selector: #selector(startTimer), object: nil) 
     Isopen = false 
     //NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: Notification.Name("RemoveGestureNewPhoto"), object: nil) 

    override func viewWillTransition(to size: CGSize, with coordinator: UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator) { 
     super.viewWillTransition(to: size, with: coordinator) 
     if Isopen == false{ 
      // stopSamllTimer() 
      self.ImageCollectionview .stopScrolling() 
      // stopSamllTimer() 
      if UIDevice.current.orientation.isLandscape { 
       AppUtilities.sharedInstance.appDelegate.is_Landscape = true 

      } else { 
       AppUtilities.sharedInstance.appDelegate.is_Landscape = false 
      self.ImageCollectionview .stopScrolling() 

    func NewDataLoadNotification(notification: Notification){ 

     if notification.userInfo != nil{ 


    func openSearchView(notification: Notification){ 

     let dict : NSDictionary = notification.userInfo! as NSDictionary 
     if Isswipe == true{ 

     let view: ProductShippingViewController = (self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "ProductShippingViewController"))! as! ProductShippingViewController 
     view.newphotoasset = String(format: "%@", dict.value(forKey: "Url") as! NSString) as NSString 
     view.ThumbnailURL = String(format: "%@", dict.value(forKey: "Thumbnail") as! NSURL) as NSString 
     self.navigationController?.pushViewController(view, animated: true) 

//   let viewController: SearchViewController = (self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "SearchViewController"))! as! SearchViewController 
//   let aObjNavi = UINavigationController(rootViewController: viewController) 
//   aObjNavi.isNavigationBarHidden = true 
//   present(aObjNavi, animated: false, completion: nil) 

//   let viewController: TradingViewController = (self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "TradingViewController"))! as! TradingViewController 
//   let aObjNavi = UINavigationController(rootViewController: viewController) 
//   aObjNavi.isNavigationBarHidden = true 
//   present(aObjNavi, animated: false, completion: nil) 


    //MARK:- Gesture Methods 

    func setGestureInCollectionview(){ 
     swipeRight = UISwipeGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self.SwipeGesture)) 
     swipeRight?.direction = UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirection.right 

     swipeleft = UISwipeGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self.SwipeGesture)) 
     swipeleft?.direction = UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirection.left 

    func SwipeGesture(_ gesture: UIGestureRecognizer) { 
     // self.dismiss(animated: false, completion: nil) 
     if let swipeGesture = gesture as? UISwipeGestureRecognizer { 

      switch swipeGesture.direction { 
      case UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirection.right: 
       print("Swiped right") 
       Isswipe = true 
       let viewController: TradingViewController = (self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "TradingViewController"))! as! TradingViewController 

       let aObjNavi = UINavigationController(rootViewController: viewController) 
       aObjNavi.isNavigationBarHidden = true 

       present(aObjNavi, animated: false, completion: { 

        // AppUtilities.sharedInstance.GiveShadowToMainView(View: viewController.MainView!, offset: CGSize(width: 5.0, height: 5.0)) 
        viewController.MainView.frame = CGRect(x: -viewController.view!.frame.size.width, y: 0, width: viewController.view!.frame.size.width, height: viewController.MainView.frame.size.height) 
        UIView.animate(withDuration: ViewChangeAnimationDuration, delay: 0.0, options: [.curveEaseOut], animations: { 
          viewController.view!.frame.origin = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0) 

        }, completion: { (finished: Bool) in 

         //AppUtilities.sharedInstance.RemoveShadows(View: viewController.MainView!) 
       // self.presentPopupViewController(aObjNavi, animationType: MJPopupViewAnimationSlideLeftRight) 

      case UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirection.left: 
       print("Swiped left") 
       Isswipe = true 
       let viewController: SearchViewController = (self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "SearchViewController"))! as! SearchViewController 

       let aObjNavi = UINavigationController(rootViewController: viewController) 
       aObjNavi.isNavigationBarHidden = true 
       present(aObjNavi, animated: false, completion: { 

        // AppUtilities.sharedInstance.GiveShadowToMainView(View: viewController.view!, offset: CGSize(width: -5.0, height: 5.0)) 
        viewController.view!.frame = CGRect(x: viewController.view!.frame.size.width, y: 0, width: viewController.view!.frame.size.width, height: viewController.view!.frame.size.height) 
        UIView.animate(withDuration: ViewChangeAnimationDuration, delay: 0.0, options: [.curveEaseIn], animations: { 
         viewController.view!.frame.origin = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0) 

        }, completion: { (finished: Bool) in 

         // AppUtilities.sharedInstance.RemoveShadows(View: viewController.view!) 

       //self.presentPopupViewController(aObjNavi, animationType: MJPopupViewAnimationSlideRightLeft) 

    func methodOfReceivedNotification(notification: Notification){ 
     //Take Action on Notification 

     if Isswipe == true{ 
     let dict : NSDictionary = notification.userInfo! as NSDictionary 
     // let navi : UINavigationController = UINavigationController() 
     let view: ProductShippingViewController = (self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "ProductShippingViewController"))! as! ProductShippingViewController 
     view.newphotoasset = String(format: "%@", dict.value(forKey: "Url") as! NSString) as NSString 
     view.ThumbnailURL = String(format: "%@", dict.value(forKey: "Thumbnail") as! NSURL) as NSString 
     self.navigationController?.pushViewController(view, animated: true) 
     //navi.pushViewController(view, animated: true) 


    //MARK:- Scrolling Methods 

    func scrollViewDidEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, willDecelerate decelerate: Bool) { 
     self.ImageCollectionview .stopScrolling() 
     if !decelerate { 
      self.perform(#selector(self.startTimer), with: nil, afterDelay: 5.0) 

    func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) { 
     self.ImageCollectionview .stopScrolling() 
     isscrolling = false 
     if isscrolling == false{ 
      self.perform(#selector(self.startTimer), with: nil, afterDelay: 5.0) 


    //MARK:- Timer Init and Close 

    func startTimer() { 

     if Globaltimer == nil { 
      Globaltimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 5.0, target: self, selector: #selector(self.loop), userInfo: nil, repeats: false) 
      print("timer start") 

    func stopTimer() { 
     if Globaltimer != nil { 

      Globaltimer = nil 
      print("timer Stop") 

    func loop() { 
     self.ImageCollectionview .startScrolling() 


    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() { 
     // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated. 

    //MARK:- Collectionview method 

    func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int 
     if (self.arr_responseObject.count > 0){ 
      return self.arr_responseObject.count 
      return 0 

    func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell 
     // get a reference to our storyboard cell 
     let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "PhotoCell",for: indexPath as IndexPath) 
     let dict : NSDictionary = self.arr_responseObject[indexPath.row] as! NSDictionary 
     let img_view = cell.viewWithTag(20) as! UIImageView 
     img_view.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit 
     img_view.downloadImageFrom((dict["urls"] as! NSDictionary)["small"] as! String, contentMode: .scaleAspectFit) 

     return cell 

    func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) 
     let dict : NSDictionary = self.arr_responseObject[indexPath.row] as! NSDictionary 
     let arrSend : NSMutableArray = NSMutableArray() 
     for index in 0..<self.arr_responseObject.count{ 
      let dictTemp : NSDictionary = self.arr_responseObject[index] as! NSDictionary 
      let imageInfo = JTSImageInfo() 
      imageInfo.istrading = "0" 
      imageInfo.imageURL = URL(string: ((dictTemp.value(forKeyPath: "urls") as! NSDictionary).value(forKeyPath: "regular") as! NSString) as String) 
      imageInfo.title = ((dictTemp.value(forKeyPath: "user") as! NSDictionary).value(forKey: "name") as! NSString) as String! 
      imageInfo.thumbnail = ((dictTemp.value(forKeyPath: "urls") as! NSDictionary).value(forKeyPath: "thumb") as! NSString) as String! 
      imageInfo.altText = ((dictTemp.value(forKeyPath: "user") as! NSDictionary).value(forKey: "links") as! NSDictionary).value(forKeyPath: "html") as! String! 

     let imageInfo = JTSImageInfo() 
     AppUtilities.sharedInstance.SetBoolForObserver(str: "NewPhoto", value: "1") 
     let previewurl = ((dict.value(forKeyPath: "urls") as! NSDictionary).value(forKeyPath: "full") as! NSString) as String 

     let newpreview = previewurl.replacingOccurrences(of: "q=85", with: "q=60&w=1000&h=1000") 
     imageInfo.imageURL = URL(string: newpreview) 
     imageInfo.title = ((dict.value(forKeyPath: "user") as! NSDictionary).value(forKey: "name") as! NSString) as String! 
     imageInfo.thumbnail = ((dict.value(forKeyPath: "urls") as! NSDictionary).value(forKeyPath: "full") as! NSString) as String! 
     imageInfo.altText = ((dict.value(forKeyPath: "user") as! NSDictionary).value(forKey: "links") as! NSDictionary).value(forKeyPath: "html") as! String! 
     imageInfo.istrading = "0" 
     let photoid = indexPath.row 
     let imageViewer = JTSImageViewController(imageInfo: imageInfo, arry: arrSend, index: photoid, mode: .image, backgroundStyle: .blurred) 
     imageViewer?.show(from: self, transition: .center) 
     //NotificationCenter.default.post(name: NSNotification.Name("RemoveGestureNewPhoto"), object: nil, userInfo: nil) 
    func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, willDisplay cell: UICollectionViewCell, forItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) { 
     lastcellindex = indexPath.row 
     if Globaltimer != nil{ 
      self.ImageCollectionview .startScrolling() 
     if self.lastcellindex == self.arr_responseObject.count - 1{ 


    func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, 
         heightForImageAtIndexPath indexPath: IndexPath, 
         withWidth: CGFloat) -> CGFloat { 

     let dict : NSDictionary = self.arr_responseObject[indexPath.row] as! NSDictionary 
     let actualWidth = dict["width"] as? Int ?? 1 
     let actualHeight = dict["height"] as? Int ?? 1 
     let actualRatio : Float = Float(actualWidth)/Float(actualHeight) 
     let framesize : Float = Float(collectionView.frame.size.width - 10)/Float(3) 

     return CGFloat(framesize/actualRatio) 

    func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, 
         heightForAnnotationAtIndexPath indexPath: IndexPath, 
         withWidth: CGFloat) -> CGFloat { 

     return 0 
    //MARK:- WebService Call 
    func callWebserviceAuthorize(pageindex : Int , Pagesize : Int){ 

     if AppUtilities.sharedInstance.isNetworkRechable(){ 
      IsFinish = true 
      let url = "https://api.unsplash.com/photos/?page=\(pageindex)&per_page=\(Pagesize)&order_by=new&client_id=\(APP_ID)" 


      manager.responseSerializer = AFHTTPResponseSerializer() 
       parameters: nil, 
        (operation, responseObject) in 
        let json = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: responseObject as! Data, options: []) 

        if let arr : NSArray = json as? NSArray 
         if self.pageCount == 1 
          self.LightHeaderView.alpha = 1.0 
          UIView.animate(withDuration: 5.0, animations: { 
           self.LightHeaderView.alpha = 0.0 



         self.arr_responseObject.addObjects(from: NSMutableArray(array: arr) as! [Any]) 
         print(self.arr_responseObject.value(forKeyPath: "urls") as? NSArray) 
         self.IsFinish = false 
         if self.pageCount == 1 
          if self.isAppfirst != false{ 
           self.perform(#selector(self.startTimer), with: nil, afterDelay: 0.3) 
        GIFProgressHUD .hide(for: self.view, animated: true) 
        (operation, error) in 

        print("Error: " + (error?.localizedDescription)!) 
        self.IsFinish = false 
        AppUtilities.sharedInstance.showAlert(title: "Error", msg: (error?.localizedDescription)! as NSString) 
        self.callWebserviceAuthorize(pageindex: self.pageCount, Pagesize: self.pageSize) 


      AppUtilities.sharedInstance.showAlert(title: "No Internet", msg: "No Internet Connection . please check your Internet.") 