2013-12-03 6 views

Я достаточно использовать RDB и не имеют никакого опыта о REST или программировании ..Экспорт CouchDB базы данных CSV

Я обычно работаю с MSSQL и первенствовать ...

Существует некоторая база данных по CouchDB что я хочу экспортировать в Excel.

Как я могу экспортировать базу данных в csv?

Вот пример источника первого документа.

    "_id": "0188d98de825528ce9c980f65d0024cc", 
    "_rev": "1-046e405f344709e96ee1ef51464871d1", 
    "contributors": null, 
    "truncated": false, 
    "text": "Plume test1", 
    "in_reply_to_status_id": null, 
    "id": 311079203028209660, 
    "favorite_count": 0, 
    "source": "<a href=\"http://www.myplume.com/\" rel=\"nofollow\">Plume for Android</a>", 
    "retweeted": false, 
    "coordinates": { 
     "type": "Point", 
     "coordinates": [ 
    "entities": { 
     "symbols": [ 
     "user_mentions": [ 
     "hashtags": [ 
     "urls": [ 
    "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, 
    "id_str": "311079203028209664", 
    "retweet_count": 0, 
    "in_reply_to_user_id": null, 
    "favorited": false, 
    "user": { 
     "id": 20825023, 
     "id_str": "20825023" 
    "geo": { 
     "type": "Point", 
     "coordinates": [ 
    "in_reply_to_user_id_str": null, 
    "lang": "et", 
    "created_at": "Mon Mar 11 11:40:36 +0000 2013", 
    "in_reply_to_status_id_str": null, 
    "place": null 

Я стараюсь https://gist.github.com/xalakox/3026004, но не работает.

Желание экспортированный файл что-то вроде

created at, text, source, coordinates1, coordinates2 
Mon Mar 11 11:40:36 +0000 2013,Plume test1,Plume for Android,126.897899,37.535298 
Mon Mar 11 11:40:36 +0000 2013,Plume test1,Plume for Android,126.897899,37.535298 
Mon Mar 11 11:40:36 +0000 2013,Plume test1,Plume for Android,126.897899,37.535298 
Mon Mar 11 11:40:36 +0000 2013,Plume test1,Plume for Android,126.897899,37.535298 

возможно дубликат [Что самый простой способ экспортировать информацию CouchDB в CSV] (HTTP://stackoverflow.com/questions/3871409/whats-the-simplest-way-to-export-couchdb-information-to-csv) – Cthulhu


Y ou сказал, что вы пытались повторно использовать существующий «список». Тем не менее, 'list' должен быть применен к' view', еще вы написали 'view'? –



Используйте инструмент браузера, чтобы получить CSV из результата JSON. Вот источник:

<!doctype html> 
<meta charset="utf-8" /> 
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> 

<title>JSON to CSV</title> 
<meta name="og:title" content="JSON to CSV" /> 

<meta name="description" content="A simple, in-browser JSON viewer, and CSV converter." /> 
<meta name="og:description" content="A simple, in-browser JSON viewer and CSV converter." /> 

<meta name="author" content="Eric Mill" /> 
<meta name="twitter:creator" content="@konklone" /> 
<meta name="twitter:url" content="https://konklone.io/json/" /> 

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/json/favicon.png" /> 
<link rel="canonical" href="https://konklone.io/json/" /> 

redirect users to the https version of the website. 
but: only check when on the production domain. 
<script type="text/javascript"> 
    var enforce = "konklone.io"; 
    if ((enforce == window.location.host) && (window.location.protocol != "https:")) 
    window.location.protocol = "https"; 

<!-- jquery, jquery-csv,bootstrap --> 
<script type='text/javascript' src='assets/jquery-2.1.1.min.js'></script> 
<script src="assets/jquery.csv.js"></script> 
<link href="assets/bootstrap.min.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> 

<!-- site styles and JS --> 
<link href="assets/site.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> 
<link href="assets/github.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> 
<script src="assets/site.js"></script> 
<script src="assets/highlight.pack.js"></script> 

    var excerptRows = 7; 
    var input; 
    var url; 
    var lastSaved; 

    // function log(msg) { 
    // return $(".console").removeClass("error").html(msg); 
    // } 

    // function error(msg) { 
    // return log(msg).addClass("error"); 
    // } 

    function doJSON() { 
    // just in case 

    // get input JSON, try to parse it 
    var newInput = $(".json textarea").val(); 
    if (newInput == input) return; 

    input = newInput; 
    if (!input) { 
     // wipe the rendered version too 
     $(".json code").html(""); 

    var json = jsonFrom(input); 

    // if succeeded, prettify and highlight it 
    // highlight shows when textarea loses focus 
    if (json) { 
     // Reset any error message from previous failed parses. 

     var pretty = JSON.stringify(json, undefined, 2); 
     $(".json code").html(pretty); 
     if (pretty.length < (50 * 1024)) 
     hljs.highlightBlock($(".json code").get(0)); 

     // convert to CSV, make available 
    } else { 
     // Show error. 
     $(".json code").html(""); 

    // Either way, update the error-reporting link to include the latest. 
    setErrorReporting(null, input); 

    return true; 

    // show rendered JSON 
    function showJSON(rendered) { 
    console.log("ordered to show JSON: " + rendered); 
    if (rendered) { 
     if ($(".json code").html()) { 
     console.log("there's code to show, showing..."); 
     $(".json .rendered").show(); 
     $(".json .editing").hide(); 
    } else { 
     $(".json .rendered").hide(); 
     $(".json .editing").show().focus(); 

    function showCSV(rendered) { 
    if (rendered) { 
     if ($(".csv table").html()) { 
     $(".csv .rendered").show(); 
     $(".csv .editing").hide(); 
    } else { 
     $(".csv .rendered").hide(); 
     $(".csv .editing").show().focus(); 

    // takes an array of flat JSON objects, converts them to arrays 
    // renders them into a small table as an example 
    function renderCSV(objects) { 
    var rows = $.csv.fromObjects(objects, {justArrays: true}); 
    if (rows.length < 1) return; 

    // find CSV table 
    var table = $(".csv table")[0]; 

    // render header row 
    var thead = document.createElement("thead"); 
    var tr = document.createElement("tr"); 
    var header = rows[0]; 
    for (field in header) { 
     var th = document.createElement("th"); 

    // render body of table 
    var tbody = document.createElement("tbody"); 
    for (var i=1; i<rows.length; i++) { 
     tr = document.createElement("tr"); 
     for (field in rows[i]) { 
     var td = document.createElement("td"); 
      .attr("title", rows[i][field]); 


    function doCSV(json) { 
    // 1) find the primary array to iterate over 
    // 2) for each item in that array, recursively flatten it into a tabular object 
    // 3) turn that tabular object into a CSV row using jquery-csv 
    var inArray = arrayFrom(json); 

    var outArray = []; 
    for (var row in inArray) 
     outArray[outArray.length] = parse_object(inArray[row]); 

    $("span.rows.count").text("" + outArray.length); 

    var csv = $.csv.fromObjects(outArray); 
    // excerpt and render first 10 rows 
    renderCSV(outArray.slice(0, excerptRows)); 

    // show raw data if people really want it 
    $(".csv textarea").val(csv); 

    // download link to entire CSV as data 
    // thanks to https://jsfiddle.net/terryyounghk/KPEGU/ 
    // and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14964035/how-to-export-javascript-array-info-to-csv-on-client-side 
    var uri = "data:text/csv;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(csv); 
    $(".csv a.download").attr("href", uri); 

    // loads original pasted JSON from textarea, saves to anonymous gist 
    // rate-limiting means this could easily fail with a 403. 
    function saveJSON() { 
    if (!input) return false; 
    if (input == lastSaved) return false; 

    // save a permalink to an anonymous gist 
    var gist = { 
     description: "test", 
     public: false, 
     files: { 
     "source.json": { 
      "content": input 

    // TODO: show spinner/msg while this happens 

    console.log("Saving to an anonymous gist..."); 
    ).done(function(data, status, xhr) { 

     // take new Gist id, make permalink 

     // send analytics event 

     // mark what we last saved 
     lastSaved = input; 

     // update error-reporting link, including permalink 
     setErrorReporting(data.id, input); 

     console.log("Remaining this hour: " + xhr.getResponseHeader("X-RateLimit-Remaining")); 

    }).fail(function(xhr, status, errorThrown) { 

     // send analytics event 

     // TODO: gracefully handle rate limit errors 
     // if (status == 403) 

     // TODO: show when saving will be available 
     // e.g. "try again in 5 minutes" 
     // var reset = xhr.getResponseHeader("X-RateLimit-Reset"); 
     // var date = new Date(); 
     // date.setTime(parseInt(reset) * 1000); 
     // use http://momentjs.com/ to say "in _ minutes" 


    return false; 

    // Updates the error-reporting link to include current details. 
    // If the passed-in `id` is not null, a permalink is included. 
    // If the passed-in `id` is null, then no permalink is included. 
    // (Needed explicitly because the current URL doesn't always refer 
    // to a permalink related to the current value of the textarea.) 
    // The current body of the textarea will be encoded into the URI, 
    // to pre-populate the GitHub issue template, but only if the body 
    // is < 7KB (7,168). GitHub's nginx server rejects query strings 
    // longer than ~8KB. 
    // If no `id` is given, and content is too long, the URL will 
    // encode only a title, and no body. 
    function setErrorReporting(id, content) { 
    var base = "https://github.com/konklone/json/issues/new"; 

    var title = "Error parsing some specific JSON"; 

    var body = "I'm having an issue converting this JSON:\n\n"; 
    if (id) body += (
     window.location.protocol + "//" + 
     window.location.host + window.location.pathname + 
     "?id=" + id + "\n\n" 

    if (content.length <= (7 * 1024)) 
     body += ("```json\n" + content + "\n```"); 

    var finalUrl = base + "?title=" + encodeURIComponent(title) + 
     "&body=" + encodeURIComponent(body); 

    $(".error a.report").attr("href", finalUrl); 

    // console.log("Updated error reporting link to:" + finalUrl); 
    return true; 

    // given a valid gist ID, set the permalink to use it 
    function setPermalink(id) { 
    if (history && history.pushState) 
     history.pushState({id: id}, null, "?id=" + id); 

    // log("Permalink created! (Copy from the location bar.)") 

    // check query string for gist ID 
    function loadPermalink() { 
    var id = getParam("id"); 
    if (!id) return; 

    $.get('https://api.github.com/gists/' + id, 
     function(data, status, xhr) { 
     console.log("Remaining this hour: " + xhr.getResponseHeader("X-RateLimit-Remaining")); 

     var input = data.files["source.json"].content; 
     $(".json textarea").val(input); 
    ).fail(function(xhr, status, errorThrown) { 
     console.log("Error fetching anonymous gist!"); 

    $(function() { 

    $(".json textarea").blur(function() {showJSON(true);}); 
    $(".json pre").click(function() {showJSON(false)}); 
    $(".csv textarea").blur(function() {showCSV(true);}) 
    $(".csv .raw").click(function() { 
     $(".csv textarea").focus().select(); 
     return false; 

    // if there's no CSV to download, don't download anything. 
    // also, log an analytics event. 
    $(".csv a.download").click(function() { 
     var data = $(".csv textarea").val(); 
     if (data) { 
     return true; 
     } else 
     return false; 

    // Both elements are present on page-load, so use normal click handler. 
    $(".save a, .error a.save").click(saveJSON); 

    // transform the JSON whenever it's pasted/edited 
    $(".json textarea") 
     .on('paste', function() { 
     // delay the showing so the paste is pasted by then 
     setTimeout(function() { 
      $(".json textarea").blur(); 
     }, 1); 
     .keyup(doJSON); // harmless to repeat doJSON 

    // go away 
    $("body").click(function() { 

     .on("dragenter", function(e) { 
     .on("dragover", function(e) { 
     .on("dragend", function(e) { 
     .on("drop", function(e) { 

     if (e.originalEvent.dataTransfer) { 
      if (e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files.length) { 

      var reader = new FileReader(); 

      reader.onload = function(ev) { 
       $(".json textarea").val(ev.target.result); 

       setTimeout(function() { 
       $(".json textarea").blur(); 
       }, 1); 


    // highlight CSV on click 
    $(".csv textarea").click(function() {$(this).focus().select();}); 



<h1>Convert JSON to CSV</h1> 

<section class="json"> 

    <span class="instruction editing"> 
     Paste your JSON below. 

    <span class="instruction rendered"> 
     Click your JSON below to edit. 

    <span class="save"> 
     <a href="#">Create a permalink</a> any time. 

     Please <a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/konklone/json/issues">report bugs and send feedback</a> on GitHub. 

     Made by <a href="https://twitter.com/konklone">@konklone.</a> 

    <div class="areas"> 
    <textarea class="editing"></textarea> 
    <pre class="rendered"><code></code></pre> 
    <div class="drop">DROP JSON HERE</div> 

    <div class="warning"> 
    Extremely large files may cause trouble &mdash; the conversion is done inside your browser. 

    <div class="error"> 
    There was an error parsing this JSON. If you're sure this JSON is valid, please 
    <a class="report" target="_blank" 
     file an issue</a>. 
    You can 
    <a class="save" href="#">create a permalink to the error</a> 
    any time. 

<section class="csv"> 

    <span class="rendered"> 
     Below are the first few rows (<span class="rows count"></span> total). 

     <a download="result.csv" href="#" class="download"> 
     Download the entire CSV</a>, 

     or <a href="#" class="raw">show the raw data</a>. 

    <span class="editing"> 
     Your JSON will appear below as a table. 

    <div class="areas"> 
    <textarea class="editing" readonly></textarea> 
    <div class="table rendered"> 

    Thanks to <a href="https://twitter.com/benbalter">@benbalter</a> for help, and to <a href="https://twitter.com/onyxfish">@onyxfish</a> for the amazing <a href="https://csvkit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/scripts/in2csv.html">csvkit</a>. 

    (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), 

    ga('create', 'UA-252618-16', 'konklone.io'); 
    ga('set', 'forceSSL', true); 
    ga('set', 'anonymizeIp', true); 
    ga('send', 'pageview'); 



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