2014-05-06 5 views

Я хотел бы знать, поддерживает ли R-поддержку базу данных Firebird или нет? Я проверил возможные ссылки и нашел, что он поддерживает Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL и т. Д., Но ничего не найдено для Firebird.Поддерживает ли R-поддержку базу данных Firebird?


Насколько я знаю, существуют пакеты для использования ODBC или JDBC в R (RODBC и RJDBC). Поскольку есть драйверы для ODBC и JDBC для Firebird, вы должны это сделать. –


// Original version of this file was part of InterClient 2.01 examples 
// Copyright InterBase Software Corporation, 1998. 
// Written by com.inprise.interbase.interclient.r&d.PaulOstler :-) 
// Code was modified by Roman Rokytskyy to show that Firebird JCA-JDBC driver 
// does not introduce additional complexity in normal driver usage scenario. 
// An example of using a JDBC 2 Standard Extension DataSource. 
// The DataSource facility provides an alternative to the JDBC DriverManager, 
// essentially duplicating all of the driver manager’s useful functionality. 
// Although, both mechanisms may be used by the same application if desired, 
// JavaSoft encourages developers to regard the DriverManager as a legacy 
// feature of the JDBC API. 
// Applications should use the DataSource API whenever possible. 
// A JDBC implementation that is accessed via the DataSource API is not 
// automatically registered with the DriverManager. 
// The DriverManager, Driver, and DriverPropertyInfo interfaces 
// may be deprecated in the future. 

public final class DataSourceExample 
    static public void main (String args[]) throws Exception 
    // Create an Firebird data source manually; 

    org.firebirdsql.pool.FBWrappingDataSource dataSource = 
     new org.firebirdsql.pool.FBWrappingDataSource(); 

    // Set the standard properties 
    dataSource.setDatabase ("localhost/3050:c:/database/test_charset.fdb"); 
    dataSource.setDescription ("An example database of employees"); 

    * Following properties were not deleted in order to show differences 
    * between InterClient 2.01 data source implementation and Firebird one. 

    //dataSource.setDataSourceName ("Employee"); 
    //dataSource.setPortNumber (3060); 
    //dataSource.setNetworkProtocol ("jdbc:interbase:"); 
    //dataSource.setRoleName (null); 

    // Set the non-standard properties 
    //dataSource.setCharSet (interbase.interclient.CharacterEncodings.NONE); 
    //dataSource.setSuggestedCachePages (0); 
    //dataSource.setSweepOnConnect (false); 

    // this some kind of equivalent to dataSource.setNetworkProtocol(String) 
    // possible values are "type4", "type2" and "embedded". 

    // SQL Role can be set like this: 
    // dataSource.setRoleName("USER"); 

    // Character encoding for the connection is set to NONE 

    // other non-standard properties do not have setters 
    // you can pass any DPB parameter 
    // dataSource.setNonStandardProperty("isc_dpb_sweep", null); 
    // dataSource.setNonStandardProperty("isc_dpb_num_buffers", "75"); 

    // Connect to the Firebird DataSource 
    try { 
     dataSource.setLoginTimeout (10); 
     java.sql.Connection c = dataSource.getConnection ("sysdba", "masterkey"); 

     java.sql.Statement stmt = c.createStatement(); 
     java.sql.ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM test_charset"); 
      System.out.println("a1 = " + rs.getString(1) + ", a2 = " + rs.getString(2)); 


     // At this point, there is no implicit driver instance 
     // registered with the driver manager! 
     System.out.println ("got connection"); 
    catch (java.sql.SQLException e) { 
     System.out.println ("sql exception: " + e.getMessage()); 

Привет, Nandkishor, Я уже сделал способ, предложенный Марком. В любом случае, спасибо вам обоим. –

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