2015-08-02 2 views

Ниже находится код, чтобы открыть аннотации к/из файламагазин Аннотация в базе данных

Как бы загрузить и сохранить аннотации к базе данных?

База данных MS SQL Server, и я знаю, как читать и писать текст, xml и двоичный файл. Просто нужно знать, какой поток использовать и как его использовать.

Я предпочитаю не держать соединение с базой данных открытой. Что-то вроде чтения, а затем держите в памяти, а затем пишите?

using System.Windows.Annotations; 

private FileStream streamAnno; 

private void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
    /// Creates an annotation service based on 
    /// a FlowDocumentReader control. 
    AnnotationService service = AnnotationService.GetService(FlowDocumentPageViewer1); 

    /// Checks if the service has not been instantiated. 
    if (service == null) 
     /// Instantiates a FileStream object. 
     streamAnno = new FileStream("tip100annotations.xml", FileMode.OpenOrCreate); 

     /// Instantiates the annotation service. 
     service = new AnnotationService(FlowDocumentPageViewer1); 

     /// Creates an annotation store using the derived 
     /// XmlStreamStore object and the FileStream object. 
     System.Windows.Annotations.Storage.AnnotationStore store = new System.Windows.Annotations.Storage.XmlStreamStore(streamAnno); 

     /// Sets the AutoFlush property to true to ensure 
     /// that every annotation is flushed to the store automatically. 
     store.AutoFlush = true; 

     /// Enables the annotation service. 

private void Page_Unloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
    /// Tries to get the annotation service. 
    AnnotationService service = AnnotationService.GetService(FlowDocumentPageViewer1); 

    /// If the annotation service is valid and is enabled 
    if (service != null && service.IsEnabled) 
     /// Disables the service. 

     /// Closes the stream 
     if (streamAnno != null) 



Подумайте я решается с потоком памяти

Поток хранится в SQL, как VARBINARY (макс)

streamAnnoMem = new MemoryStream(); 
if (viewRawTextSdocsID != null) 
    byte[] annotation = AnnotationGetUser((int)viewRawTextSdocsID); 
    if (annotation.Length > 0) 
     streamAnnoMem.Write(annotation, 0, annotation.Length); 
     streamAnnoMem.Position = 0; 

/// Instantiates the annotation service. 
service = new AnnotationService(FlowDocumentPageViewer1); 

/// Creates an annotation store using the derived 
/// XmlStreamStore object and the FileStream object. 
System.Windows.Annotations.Storage.AnnotationStore store = new System.Windows.Annotations.Storage.XmlStreamStore(streamAnnoMem); 

/// Sets the AutoFlush property to true to ensure 
/// that every annotation is flushed to the store automatically. 
store.AutoFlush = true; 

/// Enables the annotation service. 

AnnotationServiceActive = true; 
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