2016-01-05 3 views

У меня есть несколько строковых массивов и множество строковых элементов в них, которые я не могу перевести с помощью Редактора переводов.Как перевести элементы в массив строк?

<string-array name="miocene_infos_list"> 
    <item>The Miocene era was mostly characterized by arrival of a bizarre array of mammalian megafauna. Astrapotherium was a 
     hooved ungulate that looked like a cross between an elephant, a tapir and a rhinoceros. It was a distance relative 
     of horse. It had short, prehensile trunk and powerful tusks. It\'s hind limbs were significantly weaker than the fore limbs. 
     The nostrils of Astrapotherium were also set unusually high which shows that this prehistoric herbivore may have adapted 
     partly amphibious lifestyle, like a modern hippopotamus. The Greek meaning for Astrapotherium was \' Lighting Beast \' which 
     is inappropriate for such an animal that might have been a slow plant eater.</item> 

    <item>Barbourofelis was the only member of its Sabre Tooth Cats breed to colonize late Miocene North America. This megafauna 
     mammal possessed some of the largest canines of any saber toothed cat. This cat was heavily muscled and was big as the modern 
     Lion. These cats might have walked in a Bear like fashion.</item> 

    <item>The largest prehistoric dog that ever lived, Epicyon was a true \'Canid\' and belonged to the same speiceis as wolves, 
     hyenas and modern dogs. Some of the largest species of Epicyon weighed more than a full grown human. I had unusually powerful 
     jaws and teeth. Due to this reason, it\'s head looked more like that of a big cat than that of a dog or wolf. It may have 
     hunted alone or in packs and also might have fed on dead carcasses. All of the species of Epicyon were discovered in 
     western North America</item> 

    <item>Brygmophyseter was an opportunistic predator, chomping down on penguins, sharks, seals and even other prehistoric whales. 
     was pretty large in size. Brygmophyseter would also have lived in social groups called pods, and probably hunted in packs, 
     like modern Orcas. Brygmophyseter was likely among the apex predators of its time. It teeth were 14 cm long. It may have 
     also possessed Sonar capabilities to detect underwater preys. Its large head might have been used to ram opponents during 

     Megalodon was the largest prehistoric shark and also the largest marine predator in the history of planet. It outweighs ancient reptiles like 
     Liopleurodon and Kronosaurus. It may have looked like an over sized Great White Shark. It fed on dolphins, squids, fish, and even giant turtles. 
     Megalodon may even have attacked the giant whale Leviathan. Megalodon\'s biting power was very large and delivered 1.8 tons of force. This amount of 
     force is enough to cursh the skull of a prehistoric whale as easy as a a grape. The teeth of this prehistoric shark were over half a foot long, 
     serrated, and heart-shaped. No wonder why it is named Big Tooth. However there is no evidence on how this enormous creature was vanished off from 
     the face of Earth. What a wonder it is. 

Эти предметы не отображаются в окне «Редактор переводов». Так как я могу их перевести? Есть ли другой путь?


Вы предоставляете различные файлы ресурсов в разных папках 'values'. –



Создать diffrent структуру папок в разрешении как значения valuse-пт значения-SV создать папку, как указано выше значения для laguage вы хотите поддержать. введите strings.xml в каждую папку со значениями в этом конкретном laguage.

Теперь, когда вы используете их в xml, используйте их как @ string/string_name. При доступе к ним из java используйте context.getString (R.string.string_name).

Будет работать. Надеюсь, поможет.


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