2017-02-10 5 views

Я много искал об этом, но не смог найти ответ. У меня есть следующий код:Как отправить значение атрибута из дочернего настраиваемого элемента в родительский настраиваемый элемент в полимере


<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <link href="../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html" rel="import"> 
    <link href="netflix-search-criteria.html" rel="import"> 
    <link href="netflix-search-result.html" rel="import"> 
    <!-- Element Imports --> 

<dom-module id="netflix-search"> 
    /* CSS rules for your element */ 
    <h1> here it is + {{criteria}}</h1> 
    <!--<netflix-search-result content="{{criteria}}"></netflix-search-  result>--> 
    is: "netflix-search", 
    properties: { 


    ready: function(e){ 


The child element is : 

    <!DOCTYPE html> 
    <link href="../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html" rel="import"> 
    <link href="../bower_components/paper-material/paper-material.html"  rel="import"> 
    <link href="../bower_components/paper-dropdown-menu/paper-dropdown-menu.html" rel="import"> 
    <link href="../bower_components/paper-listbox/paper-listbox.html" rel="import"> 
    <link href="../bower_components/paper-item/paper-item.html" rel="import"> 
    <!-- Element Imports --> 

<dom-module id="netflix-search-criteria"> 
    /* CSS rules for your element */ 
    <paper-material elevation="1"> 
    <paper-dropdown-menu id="mymenu" label="What do you know about the content?" attr-for-selected="value" 
    selected="{{selItem}}" on-iron-select="_itemSelected"> 
     <paper-listbox class="dropdown-content"> 
     <paper-item>Movie Name</paper-item> 
    <template is="dom-if" if="{{show}}"> 
    <paper-input label="Enter Search content" on-input="_search"> 
    is: "netflix-search-criteria", 
    _itemSelected : function(e) { 
    console.log("Coming here" + e.target.selectedItem.innerText); 
    this.selItem = e.target.selectedItem.innerText; 
    if(this.selItem == 'Movie Name' || this.selItem == 'Actor' 
    || this.selItem == 'Director') 
     this.show = true; 
    _search : function(e) { 
    var cont = e.target.value; 
    if(cont.length > 3){ 
    this.criteria = this.selItem + "=" + cont; 
    console.log("Coming here" + this.criteria); 

    properties: { 
      selItem: { 
      type: String, 
      value: "" 
      show: { 
      type: Boolean, 
      value: false 
     criteria: { 
      type: String, 
      value: "Show", 
      notify: true, 
      reflecToAttribute: true 
    ready: function(e){ 


Я хочу передать критерии значений от дочернего элемента к родительскому элементу. Но не уверен, как это сделать



Фигурные это:

здесь код родительский класс

<!DOCTYPE html> 
<link href="../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html" rel="import"> 
<link href="netflix-search-criteria.html" rel="import"> 
<link href="netflix-search-result.html" rel="import"> 
<!-- Element Imports --> 

<dom-module id="netflix-search"> 
/* CSS rules for your element */ 
<netflix-search-criteria criteria={{content}}></netflix-search-criteria> 
<netflix-search-result search="{{content}}"></netflix-search-result> 
is: "netflix-search", 
properties: { 
content: { 
     type: String, 
     value: "No", 
     notify: true, 
     reflecToAttribute: true 
ready: function(e){ 


Дочерний класс:

<!DOCTYPE html> 
<link href="../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html" rel="import"> 
<link href="../bower_components/paper-material/paper-material.html" rel="import"> 
<link href="../bower_components/paper-dropdown-menu/paper-dropdown-menu.html" rel="import"> 
<link href="../bower_components/paper-listbox/paper-listbox.html" rel="import"> 
<link href="../bower_components/paper-item/paper-item.html" rel="import"> 
<!-- Element Imports --> 

<dom-module id="netflix-search-criteria"> 
    /* CSS rules for your element */ 
<paper-material elevation="1"> 
<paper-dropdown-menu id="mymenu" label="What do you know about the content?" attr-for-selected="value" 
selected="{{selItem}}" on-iron-select="_itemSelected"> 
    <paper-listbox class="dropdown-content"> 
    <paper-item>Movie Name</paper-item> 
<template is="dom-if" if="{{show}}"> 
    <paper-input label="Enter Search content" on-input="_search"> 
    is: "netflix-search-criteria", 
_itemSelected : function(e) { 
console.log("Coming here" + e.target.selectedItem.innerText); 
    this.selItem = e.target.selectedItem.innerText; 
    if(this.selItem == 'Movie Name' || this.selItem == 'Actor' 
    || this.selItem == 'Director') 
     this.show = true; 
    _search : function(e) { 
var cont = e.target.value; 
if(cont.length > 3){ 
this.criteria = this.selItem + "=" + cont; 
console.log("Coming here" + this.criteria); 

properties: { 
     selItem: { 
     type: String, 
     value: "" 
     show: { 
     type: Boolean, 
     value: false 
    criteria: { 
     type: String, 
     value: "Show", 
     notify: true, 
     reflecToAttribute: true 
    ready: function(e){ 

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