2014-11-10 2 views

Я использую библиотеку для байесовской сети и пытаюсь создать Bayes Net Disease Predictor с помощью модуля pbnt (https://github.com/thejinxters/pbnt). При попытке выполнить код возникает ошибка атрибута.python - import pbnt (netes net module module) и получение AttributeError

import sys 
from numpy import * 
import ExampleModels as EX 
from pbnt.Graph import * 
from pbnt.Distribution import * 
from pbnt.Node import * 
from pbnt.Inference import * 

#bayes network using pbnt library 

def create_disease_net(): 

    number_of_nodes = 5 
    pollution = 0 
    smoker = 1 
    cancer = 2 
    xray = 3 
    dyspnoea = 4 
    #events are pollution(high or low), smoker(true or false) 
    # cancer(true or false), xray(positive or negative), dyspnoea(true or false) 
    pollution_node = Node.BayesNode(0,1, name="pollution") 
    smoker_node = Node.BayesNode(1,1, name="smoker") 
    cancer_node = Node.BayesNode(2,4, name="cancer") 
    xray_node = Node.BayesNode(3,1, name="xray") 
    dyspnoea_node = Node.BayesNode(4,1, name="dyspnoea") 

    #pollution and smoker are parents of cancer node 
    #pollution and smoker are independent 


    #cancer node is parent of xray and dyspnoea nodes 

    #are xray and dyspnoea independent?????? 

    nodes = [pollution_node, smoker_node, cancer_node, xray_node, dyspnoea_node] 

    #create distributions 
    #pollution distribution 
    pollution_distribution = DiscreteDistribution(pollution_node) 
    index = pollution_distribution.generate_index([],[]) 
    pollution_distribution[index] = 0.9 #pollution = low 

    #smoker distribution 
    smoker_distribution = DiscreteDistribution(smoker_node) 
    index = smoker_distribution.generate_index([],[]) 
    smoker_distribution[index] = 0.3 #smoker = true 

    #cancer conditional distribution (cancer given pollution and smoker) 
    dist = zeros([pollution_node.size(),smoker_node.size(),cancer_node.size()], dtype=float32) 
    dist[0,1,] = [0.05,0.95] 
    dist[0,0,] = [0.02,0.98] 
    dist[1,1,] = [0.03,0.97] 
    dist[1,0,] = [0.001,0.999] 
    cancer_distribution = ConditionalDiscreteDistribution(nodes=[pollution_node, smoker_node, cancer_node], table=dist) 

    #xray conditional distribution (xray given cancer) 
    dist = zeros([cancer_node.size(), xray_node.size()], dtype=float32) 
    dist[0,] = [0.2,0.8] 
    dist[1,] = [0.9,0.1] 
    xray_distribution = ConditionalDiscreteDistribution(nodes=[cancer_node, xray_node], table=dist) 

    #dyspnoea conditional distribution (dyspnoea given cancer) 
    dist = zeros([cancer_node.size(), dyspnoea_node.size()], dtype=float32) 
    dist[0,] = [0.2,0.8] 
    dist[1,] = [0.9,0.1] 
    dyspnoea_distribution = ConditionalDiscreteDistribution(nodes=[cancer_node, dyspnoea_node], table=dist) 

    #create bayes net 
    bnet = BayesNet(nodes) 
    return bnet 

def disease_inference(): 
""" This is an example of how to perform inference on a network using the Junction Tree Engine. The exact same method could be used with any implemented inference engine by simply replaceing the line JunctionTreeEngine(water) with the appropriate constructor. 

    #define disease network 
    disease_net = EX.create_disease_net() 

    #define variable indexes 
    for node in disease_net.nodes: 
     if node.id == 0: 
     pollution = node 
     if node.id == 1: 
      smoker = node 
     if node.id == 2: 
      cancer = node 
     if node.id == 3: 
      xray = node 
     if node.id == 4: 
      dyspnoea = node 
    #Create the inference engine object 
    engine = JunctionTreeEngine(disease_net) 

    test0 = 1 
    #Compute the marginal probability of sprinkler given no evidence 
    Q = engine.marginal(cancer)[0] 
    #Q is a DiscreteDistribution, and so to index into it, we have to use the class' method to create an index 
    index = Q.generate_index([False], range(Q.nDims)) 
    print "The marginal probability of cancer=false:", Q[index] 

    #Set cloudy and rain to False and True in the evidence 
    engine.evidence[pollution] = False 
    engine.evidence[smoker] = True 
    #Compute the marginal probability given the evidence pollution=False, cancer=true 
    Q = engine.marginal(cancer)[0] 
    index = Q.generate_index([False],range(Q.nDims)) 
    print "The marginal probability of cancer=false | pollution=False, smoker=True:", Q[index] 

Запустите пример логического вывода

И я получаю следующее:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "assign4.py", line 133, in main(sys.argv[1:]) File "assign4.py", line 130, in main disease_inference()
File "assign4.py", line 94, in disease_inference disease_net = EX.create_disease_net() AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'create_disease_net'

Я начинающий программист, но я пытаюсь стать лучше. Любое понимание очень ценится.




import ExampleModels as EX 

сделает всю ExampleModels иметь имя EX так как сообщение об ошибке, если предположить, ExampleModels на самом деле не имеет метод верхнего уровня create_disease_net вы получите эту ошибку. Поскольку вы определяете create_disease_net в ваше пространство имен, а не EX, вам просто нужно удалить EX. с вашего звонка.


Это сработало, спасибо! – fourcockatiels