2015-03-05 6 views

У меня есть рубин функция написанной так:Огурец, вызывающий внешнюю рубиновую функцию с шага?

Feature: Validate DUT JSON 
    JSON should be evaluated for all routes in API 
    All API routes should return valid JSON 
    If JSON is invalid for one or more route in API it has DUT failed 

Scenario Outline: Validate JSON 
    Given there is a DUT with <IP> and <USERNAME> and <PASSWORD> 
    Then it should return the word PASSED 

    |''|admin |test | 

I then have step definitions like: 
Given(/^there is a DUT with '(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' and admin and test$/) do |arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4| 
    testdev(arg1)#pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had 

Then(/^it should return the word PASSED$/) do 
    testdev(arg1)#pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had 

as well as a support file: 
require 'uri' 
require 'net/http' 
require 'net/http/digest_auth' 
require 'json' 
require 'rubygems' 

def is_json(json) 
    return true 
    rescue Exception => e 
    print e 
    return false 

def gethash(route) 
    digest_auth = Net::HTTP::DigestAuth.new 
    uri = URI.parse route 
    uri.user = 'admin' 
    uri.password = 'terraceqam' 
    h = Net::HTTP.new uri.host, uri.port 
    h.use_ssl = true 
    h.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE 
    req = Net::HTTP::Get.new uri.request_uri 
    res = h.request req 
    #puts res['www-authenticate'] 
    auth = digest_auth.auth_header uri, res['www-authenticate'], 'GET' 
    #puts auth 
    req = Net::HTTP::Get.new uri.request_uri 
    #puts req 
    req.add_field 'Authorization', auth 
    res = h.request req 
    #puts res.body 
    data = JSON.parse(res.body) 
    return data 

def testdev(ip) 
    test = "PASSED" 
    hash = gethash('https://' + ip +'/views/') 
    hash["views"].each do |view| 
    routeapi = 'https://' + ip + '/views/' + view 
    #print routeapi + "---" 
    subhash = gethash(routeapi) 
    answer = is_json(subhash) 
    if answer == false 
     test = "FAILED" 
    return test 

, когда я бег огурца, я получаю:

[email protected]:/home/robm/code/BDD/testtq# cucumber 
Feature: Validate DUT JSON 
    JSON should be evaluated for all routes in API 
    All API routes should return valid JSON 
    If JSON is invalid for one or more route in API it has DUT failed 

    Scenario Outline: Validate JSON        # features/testJson.feature:6 
    Given there is a DUT with <IP> and <USERNAME> and <PASSWORD> # features/step_definition/REST_Testing_Steps.rb:2 
    Then it should return the word PASSED      # features/step_definition/REST_Testing_Steps.rb:6 

     | IP    | USERNAME | PASSWORD | 
     | '' | admin | test  | 
     Invalid argument - connect(2) (Errno::EINVAL) 
     ./features/support/testJson.rb:30:in `gethash' 
     ./features/support/testJson.rb:46:in `testdev' 
     ./features/step_definition/REST_Testing_Steps.rb:3:in `/^there is a DUT with '(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)' and admin and test$/' 
     features/testJson.feature:7:in `Given there is a DUT with <IP> and <USERNAME> and <PASSWORD>' 

Failing Scenarios: 
cucumber features/testJson.feature:6 # Scenario: Validate JSON 

1 scenario (1 failed) 
2 steps (1 failed, 1 skipped) 

имеет проблемы с ./features/support/testJson.rb:30: в `gethash ', который равен res = h.request req

Почему не могу получить запрос? в этом вспомогательном коде, когда я запускаю код в командной строке, он отлично работает.


Вы должны пройти arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 к ваш метод 'testdev', так как ваш arg1 содержит только первую часть IP-адреса. – hidro



Более простой способ был бы:

Изменение к двойных цитаты:

    | IP    | USERNAME | PASSWORD | 
    | "" | admin | test  | 

и сопрягать всю строку

Given(/^there is a DUT with "(.*?)"$/) do |ip| 
    puts ip #puts full IP address as string 