2015-06-22 4 views

Я отладки VBA макрос, который заканчивается со следующим сообщением об ошибке:VBA Run-Time Error 1004

"Ошибка выполнения '1004':

" не может быть найден. Проверьте правописание имени файла и проверьте , что расположение файла верное.

Если вы пытаетесь открыть файл из списка наиболее часто используемых файлов, убедитесь, что файл не был remnamed, перемещен или удален.»

Я проверил, что я не использовал удален/удалены/переименованы файлы, и они не были из моего списка последних файлов

нарушитель часть кода, которая вызывает сообщение об ошибке:.

Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=vCPath _ 
, Origin:=437, StartRow:=1, DataType:=xlDelimited, TextQualifier:= _ 
xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=False, Semicolon:=False _ 
, Comma:=True, Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo:=Array(Array(1, 1), _ 
Array(2, 1), Array(3, 1), Array(4, 1), Array(5, 1), Array(6, 1), Array(7, 1), Array(8, 1), _ 
Array(9, 1), Array(10, 1), Array(11, 1), Array(12, 1), Array(13, 1)), _ 

Вот весь код:

' Changes to program to make 
' Exclude outliers in average 
' Develop fake data to at glance recognize whether program works. 
' Source http://www.cpearson.com/excel/optimize.htm 
' Declare .Filters 
Option Explicit 
Sub DataProcessingExperiment7() 

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler 
' Declare as strings, as integers, as variants, decDecimals, as Office.FileDialog 
Dim strPath, strFileN, strDirN, strRangeNOut, strRangeNIn, strFilename, strTLCorn, strBRCorn, strSelectedFile, strtemp_name As String 
Dim vResMatrix(), vCPath, vFileN As Variant 
Dim vRangeNOut, vRangeNIn, decInd6, decInd4, decInd5, decStep2, decMRow, decColIn, decInd3, decMcol As Double 
Dim decMxRNo, decBgrSum, decRowIn, decInd, decM40eff, decStep, decColNo, decStartcol, decStartrow As Double 
Dim decPlateNo, decMonoVal, decInd1, decEntryRow2, decEntryRow, decInd2, decBgrValP, decBgrRow As Double 
Dim decBrgSum, decBgrVal, decRangeNIn, decRangeNOut, decTLCorn, decVolcorr, decBRCorn, decMEeff As Double 
Dim decMediaVal, M40Eff, decMeanComp As Double 
' MEeff = measure of efflux due to crudely purified HDL in scintillation 
' Math operations are fastest with Integers/UIntegers: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ae55hdtk.aspx 

' Start File Explorer to select file containing data 
Dim lngCount As Long 
' Open the file dialog 
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen) 
    .AllowMultiSelect = True 

' Display paths of each file selected 
    For lngCount = 1 To .SelectedItems.Count 
    Next lngCount 
    For Each strFilename In .SelectedItems 
     MsgBox strFilename 
End With 

' Excel 2003 is a good filter choice: Excel Viewer, OpenOffice, + Excel versions can open these files 
' If .Show = - 1 user picked at least one file 
    ' The user pressed cancel. 
' Assign strings to param locations from (1,2) to (7,2). This matches template 
' Now using relative references to increase portability and NOT SELECTING the cells to increase macro speed, shorten code 
With ActiveCell 
    .Offset(1, 2) = decPlateNo 
    .Offset(2, 2) = decStartrow 
    .Offset(3, 2) = decStartcol 
    .Offset(4, 2) = decColNo 
    .Offset(5, 2) = decStep 
    .Offset(6, 2) = strDirN 
    .Offset(7, 2) = strFileN 
End With 

' Measure of efflux of 2 plates of scint-40 
M40Eff = 4.37 
M40Eff = 2.4 

' Select and copy data and range 
MsgBox "start" 
' Use the array 
For decInd = 1 To decPlateNo/2 - 1 
    decRowIn = 1 + decStep * 2 * decInd 
    decRangeNIn = "A" + CStr(decRowIn) 
Next decInd 'Go to next indice 
Application.CutCopyMode = False ' Have the data in both sheets 

Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=vCPath _ 
, Origin:=437, StartRow:=1, DataType:=xlDelimited, TextQualifier:= _ 
xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=False, Semicolon:=False _ 
, Comma:=True, Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo:=Array(Array(1, 1), _ 
Array(2, 1), Array(3, 1), Array(4, 1), Array(5, 1), Array(6, 1), Array(7, 1), Array(8, 1), _ 
Array(9, 1), Array(10, 1), Array(11, 1), Array(12, 1), Array(13, 1)), _ 

For decInd1 = 1 To decPlateNo 'Between these 2 columns 
    decTLCorn = "B" + CStr(decStartrow + (decInd1 - 1) * decStep) 
    decBRCorn = "M" + CStr(decStartrow + 7 + (decInd1 - 1) * decStep) 
    decRangeNOut = decTLCorn + ":" + decBRCorn 
    decRangeNIn = decTLCorn 
    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ 
    :=False, Transpose:=False 
Next decInd1 
' Operation:=xlNone prevents calculations while pasting (less CPU intensive) 
' Don't skip blanks, don't transpose 

' Calculation of background and efflux for individual plates 
For decInd1 = 1 To decPlateNo/2 
    decStep2 = (decInd1 - 1) * decStep * 2 
    decBgrRow = decStartrow + 8 + decStep2 
    decBgrValP = Cells(decBgrRow, 2).Value 'Background plate value 
    For decInd2 = 0 To 7 'From column Ind2 to column 7 do multiplication 
     decEntryRow = decStartrow + decInd2 + decStep2 
     decEntryRow2 = decStartrow + decInd2 + decStep2 + 11 
     decMediaVal = Cells(decEntryRow, 13).Value 
     decMonoVal = Cells(decEntryRow2, 13).Value 
     Cells(decEntryRow, 15).Value = decMEeff * 100 * decVolcorr * (decMediaVal - decBgrValP)/(decM40eff * decMonoVal + decVolcorr * decMEeff * (decMediaVal - decBgrValP)) 
    Next decInd2 
Next decInd1 
MsgBox "end" 
' calculation of average background for all media plates 
decBgrSum = 0 
For decInd1 = 1 To decPlateNo/2 
    decStep2 = (decInd1 - 1) * decStep * 2 
    For decInd2 = 0 To 7 
     decRowIn = decStartrow + decStep2 + decInd2 
     decBgrSum = decBgrSum + Cells(decRowIn, 2).Value 
    Next decInd2 
Next decInd1 
decBgrVal = decBgrSum/(4 * decPlateNo) 'The plates are split up into 4 (control (media) plates are 2 of them). 
decBgrVal = Cells(2, 17).Value 
' Rearanging data and transferring to Results sheet 
decMxRNo = 8 * decColNo 
ReDim vResMatrix(1 To decMxRNo, 1 To decPlateNo) 
For decInd1 = 1 To decPlateNo 
    decMcol = decInd1 
    For decInd2 = 1 To 8 
     decRowIn = (decInd1 - 1) * decStep + decStartrow + decInd2 - 1 
     For decInd3 = 1 To decColNo 
      decColIn = decStartcol + decInd3 - 1 
      decMRow = (decInd3 - 1) * 8 + decInd2 
      vResMatrix(decMRow, decMcol) = Cells(decRowIn, decColIn).Value 
     Next decInd3 
    Next decInd2 
Next decInd1 

For decInd4 = 1 To decPlateNo 
    For decInd5 = 1 To decMxRNo 
     Cells(decInd5, decInd4).Value = vResMatrix(decInd5, decInd4) 'Put the values of the matrix in this range? 
    Next decInd5 
Next decInd4 
Sheets("Results QC").Select 
' Select QC (quality control) calculation 
For decInd = 1 To decPlateNo/2 - 1 
    decColIn = 2 + 2 * decInd + 1 
    Cells(81, decColIn).Select 
    ActiveSheet.Paste 'Paste values of the active sheet (C81:C82 range) 
Next decInd 

For decInd4 = 1 To decPlateNo 
    decInd6 = decInd4 + 2 
    For decInd5 = 1 To decMxRNo 'Put these cell values in the matrix 
     Cells(decInd5, decInd6).Value = vResMatrix(decInd5, decInd4) 
    Next decInd5 
Next decInd4 

For decInd4 = 1 To decPlateNo 
decInd6 = decInd4 + 2 
decMeanComp = 0.6 * Cells(81, decInd6).Value 
For decInd5 = 1 To decMxRNo 
    If Cells(decInd5, decInd6).Value < decMeanComp Then 
    Cells(decInd5, decInd6).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) 
'   If the cell value is less than the average highlight them red as outliers. (More likely: from pipettes that didn't release) 
    ElseIf Cells(decInd5, decInd6).Value > decMeanComp Then 
    Cells(decInd5, decInd6).Interior.Color = RGB(7, 253, 56) 
'   If the cell value is greater than the average highlight them green as outliers. (Unlikely unless) 

    End If 
Next decInd5 
Next decInd4 
MsgBox "4" 
MsgBox "Error Code" & Err.Number & vbNewLine & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error Code" & Err.Number 
End Sub 
' Another function to continue arranging the data. Start by declaring all data types. 
Sub Arrange_data() 

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler 

Dim strPath, strFileN, strDirN, strCPath, strRangeNOut, strRangeNIn, strTLCorn, strBRCorn As String 
Dim decColIn4: decColIn4 = CDec(decColIn4) 
Dim decInd5: decInd5 = CDec(decInd5) 
Dim decInd6: decInd6 = CDec(decInd6) 
Dim decPlateNo: decPlateNo = CDec(decPlateNo) 
Dim decStartrow: decStartrow = CDec(decStartrow) 
Dim decStartcol: decStartcol = CDec(decStartcol) 

decPlateNo = Cells(1, 2).Value 
decStartrow = Cells(2, 2).Values 
decStartcol = Cells(3, 2).Value 
decColNo = Cells(4, 2).Value 
decStep = Cells(5, 2).Value 
decMEeff = 2.03 
decM40eff = 4.37 'microscint 40=kind of solution the macrophages go in 
decVolcorr = 2.4 
decMxRNo = 8 * decColNo 
ReDim vResMatrix(1 To decMxRNo, 1 To decPlateNo) 

' Select QC (quality control) data 
Sheets("Results QC").Select 
For decInd1 = 1 To decPlateNo 
    decInd3 = decInd1 + 2 
    For decInd2 = 1 To iMxRNo 
     vResMatrix(decInd2, decInd1) = Cells(decInd2, decInd3).Value 
    Next decInd2 
Next decInd1 
' Transfer data for two methods of efflux calculations. 
' Create template of columns. 
Sheets("Processed indiv").Select 
For decInd = 1 To decPlateNo/2 - 1 
    decColIn = 3 + 3 * decInd 
    Cells(2, decColIn).Select 
Next decInd 
Application.CutCopyMode = False 
' Don't cut and copy: leave the values in the Excel sheet. 
' For disgorging values stored in matrix and calculate efflux. 
For decInd1 = 1 To decPlateNo/2 
    decColIn1 = 3 + 3 * (decInd1 - 1) 
    decColIn2 = decColIn1 + 1 
    decColIn3 = decColIn1 + 2 
    decBgrRow = (decInd1 - 1) * decStep * 2 + decStartrow + 8 
    decInd4 = 2 * decInd1 
    decInd3 = decInd4 - 1 
    Cells(1, decStartcol + 3 * (decInd1 - 1)).Value = "Plate " + CStr(decInd1) 
'  Get background value for the plate. 
    decBgrValP = Cells(decBgrRow, 2) 
    Sheets("Processed indiv").Select 
'  Digorging values and calculating efflux. 
    For decInd2 = 1 To iMxRNo 
     decMediaVal = vResMatrix(decInd2, decInd3) 
     decMonoVal = vResMatrix(decInd2, decInd4) 
     Cells(2 + decInd2, decColIn1).Value = decMediaVal 
     Cells(2 + decInd2, decColIn2).Value = decMonoVal 
     Cells(2 + decInd2, decColIn3).Value = decMEeff * 100 * decVolcorr * (decMediaVal - decBgrValP)/(decM40eff * decMonoVal + decVolcorr * decMEeff * (decMediaVal - decBgrValP)) 
    Next decInd2 
Next decInd1 
' Remove no data cells. 
For decInd1 = 1 To decPlateNo/2 
    decColIn1 = 3 + 3 * (decInd1 - 1) 
    For decInd2 = 3 To decMxRNo + 2 
     If Cells(decInd2, decColIn1).Value = "" Then 
      Cells(decInd2, decColIn1 + 1).Value = "" 
      Cells(decInd2, decColIn1 + 2).Value = "" 
     End If 
    Next decInd2 
Next decInd1 
' calculate data based on plate average. 
' Create template for columns. 
Sheets("Processed by plate").Select 
For decInd = 1 To decPlateNo/2 - 1 
    decColIn = 3 + 3 * decInd 
    Cells(2, decColIn).Select 
Next decInd 
Application.CutCopyMode = False 
' Prep for disgorging values stored in matrix and calculate efflux. 
For decInd1 = 1 To decPlateNo/2 
    decColIn1 = 3 + 3 * (decInd1 - 1) 
    decColIn2 = decColIn1 + 1 
    decColIn3 = decColIn1 + 2 
    decBgrRow = (decInd1 - 1) * decStep * 2 + decStartrow + 8 
    decInd4 = 2 * decInd1 
    decInd3 = decInd4 - 1 
    Cells(1, decStartcol + 3 * (decInd1 - 1)).Value = "Plate " + CStr(decInd1) 
'  Get background value for the plate. 
    decBgrValP = Cells(decBgrRow, 2) 
    Sheets("Processed by plate").Select 
'  Digorging values and calculating efflux. 
'  When does this for loop end? 
    For decInd2 = 1 To decMxRNo 
     Cells(2 + decInd2, decColIn1).Value = vResMatrix(decInd2, decInd3) 
     Cells(2 + decInd2, decColIn2).Value = vResMatrix(decInd2, decInd4) 
    Next decInd2 
'  Get average value for monolayer. (Cells are in 1-cell deep layer.) ? 
    decMonoVal = Cells(83, decColIn2).Value 
    For decInd2 = 1 To decMxRNo 
     decMediaVal = vResMatrix(decInd2, decInd3) 
     Cells(2 + decInd2, decColIn3).Value = decMEeff * 100 * decVolcorr * (decMediaVal - decBgrValP)/(decM40eff * decMonoVal + decVolcorr * decMEeff * (decMediaVal - decBgrValP)) 
    Next decInd2 
Next decInd1 
' Remove no data cells. 
For decInd1 = 1 To decPlateNo/2 
    decColIn1 = 3 + 3 * (decInd1 - 1) 
    For decInd2 = 3 To decMxRNo + 2 
     If Cells(decInd2, decColIn1).Value = "" Then 
      Cells(decInd2, decColIn1 + 1).Value = "" 
      Cells(decInd2, decColIn1 + 2).Value = "" 
     End If 
    Next decInd2 
Next decInd1 
' Replace cell count data with calculated efflux in the matrix. 
Sheets("Processed indiv").Select 
For decInd1 = 1 To decPlateNo/2 
    decColIn1 = 5 + 3 * (decInd1 - 1) 
    decInd4 = 2 * decInd1 
    For decInd2 = 1 To decMxRNo 
     vResMatrix(decInd2, decInd4) = Cells(2 + decInd2, decColIn1).Value 
    Next decInd2 
Next decInd1 
'Move data to duplicate comparison. 
Sheets("Duplicate comparison").Select 
For decInd = 1 To decPlateNo/4 - 1 
    decColIn = 3 + 12 * decInd 
    Cells(2, decColIn).Select 
Next decInd 
Application.CutCopyMode = False 
For decInd1 = 1 To decPlateNo/4 
    decColIn1 = 3 + 12 * (decInd1 - 1) 
    decColIn2 = decColIn1 + 2 
    decColIn3 = decColIn1 + 3 
    decColIn4 = decColIn1 + 5 
    decInd3 = decInd1 * 4 - 3 
    decInd4 = decInd3 + 1 
    decInd5 = decInd3 + 2 
    decInd6 = decInd3 + 3 
    Cells(1, decStartcol + 12 * (decInd1 - 1)).Value = "Plate " + CStr(2 * decInd1 - 1) 
    Cells(1, decStartcol + 3 + 12 * (decInd1 - 1)).Value = "Plate " + CStr(2 * decInd1) 
    For iInd2 = 1 To iMxRNo 
     Cells(2 + iInd2, iColIn1).Value = vResMatrix(decInd2, decInd3) 
     Cells(2 + iInd2, iColIn2).Value = vResMatrix(decInd2, decInd4) 
     Cells(2 + iInd2, iColIn3).Value = vResMatrix(decInd2, decInd5) 
     Cells(2 + iInd2, iColIn4).Value = vResMatrix(decInd2, decInd6) 
    Next decInd2 
Next decInd1 
' Remove no data cells. 
For decInd1 = 1 To decPlateNo/4 
    decColIn1 = 3 + 12 * (decInd1 - 1) 
    decColIn2 = decColIn1 + 3 
    For decInd2 = 3 To decMxRNo + 2 
     If Cells(decInd2, decColIn1).Value = "" Then 
     Cells(decInd2, decColIn1 + 1).Value = "" 
     For decInd = 1 To 6 
      Cells(decInd2, decColIn1 + 5 + decInd).Value = "" 
     Next decInd 
     End If 
If Cells(decInd2, decColIn2).Value = "" Then 
    Cells(decInd2, decColIn2 + 1).Value = "" 
    For decInd = 1 To 6 
     Cells(decInd2, decColIn2 + 2 + decInd).Value = "" 
    Next iInd 
End If 
Next decInd2 
Next decInd1 
' Prepare summary statistics. 
decTL = decPlateNo * decMxRNo/2 
ReDim vResMatrix(1 To 4, 1 To iTL) 
Sheets("Processed indiv").Select 
decRowIn = 3 + decMxRNo 
decRowIn2 = decRowIn + 1 
For decInd1 = 1 To 3 * decPlateNo/2 
    For decInd2 = 1 To 3 
     decRowIn3 = 3 * (decInd1 - 1) + iInd2 
     decColIn = 2 + decRowIn3 
     vResMatrix(1, decRowIn3) = Cells(decRowIn, decColIn).Value 
     vResMatrix(2, decRowIn3) = Cells(decRowIn2, decColIn).Value 
    Next decInd2 
Next decInd1 
Sheets("Processed by plate").Select 
decRowIn = 3 + iMxRNo 
decRowIn2 = decRowIn + 1 
For decInd1 = 1 To 3 * decPlateNo/2 
    For decInd2 = 1 To 3 
     decRowIn3 = 3 * (decInd1 - 1) + decInd2 
     decColIn = 2 + decRowIn3 
     vResMatrix(3, iRowIn3) = Cells(decRowIn, decColIn).Value 
     vResMatrix(4, decRowIn3) = Cells(decRowIn2, decColIn).Value 
    Next decInd2 
Next decInd1 
' Put summary statistics in distribution comp. 
Sheets("Distribution comp").Select 
For decInd = 1 To 3 * decPlateNo/2 
    Cells(2 + iInd, 2).Value = vResMatrix(1, iInd) 
    Cells(2 + iInd, 3).Value = vResMatrix(2, iInd) 
    Cells(2 + iInd, 5).Value = vResMatrix(3, iInd) 
    Cells(2 + iInd, 6).Value = vResMatrix(4, iInd) 
Next decInd 
' Prepare plate by plate results. 
Sheets("Duplicate comparison").Select 
For decInd = 1 To iPlateNo/4 
    decMatrixStep = (iInd - 1) * iMxRNo 
    decColIn = 9 + 12 * (iInd - 1) 
    decColIn2 = iColIn + 2 
    decColIn3 = iColIn + 1 
    decColIn4 = iColIn + 3 
    For decInd2 = 1 To decMxRNo 
     decMRow = iMatrixStep + decInd2 
'   Difference between duplicates converted into range. 
     vResMatrix(1, iMRow) = Cells(2 + decInd2, decColIn).Value 
     vResMatrix(2, iMRow) = Cells(2 + decInd2, decColIn2).Value/2 
     vResMatrix(3, iMRow) = Cells(2 + decInd2, decColIn3).Value 
     vResMatrix(4, iMRow) = Cells(2 + decInd2, decColIn4).Value/2 
    Next decInd2 
Next decInd 
' Transfer data to Summary. 
' Prepare sheet. 
For decInd = 1 To decPlateNo/4 - 1 
    decRowIn = 3 + decMxRNo * iInd 
    decRangeNIn = "B" + CStr(decRowIn) 
    For decInd2 = 1 To decMxRNo 
     Cells(decInd2 + decRowIn - 1, 1).Value = "Plate " + CStr(decInd + 1) 
    Next decInd2 
Next decInd 
Application.CutCopyMode = False 
' Don't cut and copy 
' Distribute values. 
For decInd = 1 To decTL 
    iRowIn = iInd + 2 
    Cells(decRowIn, 4).Value = vResMatrix(1, decInd) 
    Cells(decRowIn, 5).Value = vResMatrix(2, decInd) 
    Cells(decRowIn, 6).Value = vResMatrix(3, decInd) 
    Cells(decRowIn, 7).Value = vResMatrix(4, decInd) 
Next decInd 
' Transfer data to Matrix summary. 
Sheets("Matrix summary").Select 
' Prepare page for data. 
For decInd = 1 To decPlateNo/4 - 1 
    decRowIn = 1 + decStep * decInd 
    decRangeNIn = "A" + CStr(decRowIn) 
Next decInd 
Application.CutCopyMode = False 
' Distribute data. 
For decInd1 = 0 To iPlateNo/4 - 1 
    decPlateStep = decStep * decInd1 
    decMatrixStep = iColNo * 8 * decInd1 
    For decInd2 = 0 To iColNo - 1 
     decColIn = decStartcol + decInd2 
     decColStep = 8 * iInd2 
     For iInd3 = 0 To 7 
      iRowIn = iStartrow + iPlateStep + iInd3 
      iMxElem = iMatrixStep + iColStep + iInd3 + 1 
      Cells(decRowIn, decColIn).Value = vResMatrix(3, iMxElem) 
     Next decInd3 
    Next decInd2 
Next decInd1 
' collect statistical parameters on efflux for unknown samples. 
decRowNo = decPlateNo/4 
ReDim decEffluxMatrix(1 To iRowNo, 1 To 6) 
decStartRowIn = 10 
decStartColIn = 2 
For decInd = 0 To iRowNo - 1 
    decRowIn = iStartRowIn + iStep * iInd 
    EffluxMatrix(iInd + 1, 1) = Cells(iRowIn, iStartColIn).Value 
    EffluxMatrix(iInd + 1, 2) = Cells(iRowIn + 1, iStartColIn).Value 
Next decInd 
'collect statistical parameters on efflux for control samples. 
decStartRowIn = 10 
decStartColIn = 15 
For iInd = 0 To iRowNo - 1 
    iRowIn = iStartRowIn + iStep * iInd * 4 
    EffluxMatrix(iInd + 1, 3) = Cells(iRowIn, iStartColIn).Value 
    EffluxMatrix(iInd + 1, 4) = Cells(iRowIn + 1, iStartColIn).Value 
    EffluxMatrix(iInd + 1, 5) = Cells(iRowIn + 22, iStartColIn).Value 
    EffluxMatrix(iInd + 1, 6) = Cells(iRowIn + 23, iStartColIn).Value 
Next decInd 
' Ouput of statistical parameters on efflux 
Sheets("Matrix summary").Select 
decStartRowOut = 4 
decStartColOut = 15 
For decInd1 = 1 To decRowNo 
    decRowOut = decStartRowOut + decInd1 - 1 
    For decInd2 = 1 To 6 
     decColOut = decStartColOut + decInd2 - 1 
     Cells(decRowOut, decColOut).Value = EffluxMatrix(decInd1, decInd2) 
    Next iInd2 
Next decInd1 
'Output into Matrix min-max 
Sheets("Matrix min-max").Select 
For decInd1 = 0 To decPlateNo/4 - 1 
    decPlateStep = decStep * decInd1 
    decMatrixStep = decColNo * 8 * decInd1 
    For decInd2 = 0 To decColNo - 1 
     decColIn = decStartcol + iInd2 
     decColStep = 8 * decInd2 
     For decInd3 = 0 To 7 
      decRowIn = decStartrow + decPlateStep + decInd3 
      decMxElem = decMatrixStep + decColStep + decInd3 + 1 
      Cells(decRowIn, decColIn).Value = vResMatrix(3, decMxElem) 
     Next decInd3 
    Next decInd2 
Next decInd1 

MsgBox "Error detected" & vbNewLine & "Error" & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error Handler: Error " & Err.Number 
MsgBox "If you want to force the program to run, go to the line below and insert a ' mark to comment the line out." & vbNewLine & "On Error GoTo ErrorHandler", vbCritical, "Error Handler: Error " & Err.Number 
End Sub 

'Debug.Print vCPath' и проверьте его правильность. –


Несвязанный FYI: 'dim a, b, c as T' здесь только' c' имеет тип 'T' - вам нужно' dim a как T, b как T, c как T' –


Где инициализируется vCPath? ? –



Вы пытаетесь использовать переменную vCPath перед ее инициализацией.


Каков самый простой способ инициализировать vCPath? Спасибо, кто-то сказал мне, что это была проблема вчера, но не как это исправить! –


@ThomasShera Вы должны каким-то образом использовать информацию, которую вы получаете из 'Application.FileDialog (msoFileDialogOpen)', чтобы сгенерировать полный файл файла, который вы хотите открыть. –

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