2015-10-04 7 views

Привет всем Я пишу программу для дробей в Java. Когда я запускаю программу, я получаю следующие ошибки.Ошибка в моей программе (Java)

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException 
    at PJ1.Fraction.setFraction(Fraction.java:63) 
    at PJ1.Fraction.<init>(Fraction.java:55) 
    at PJ1.Fraction.add(Fraction.java:89) 
    at PJ1.Fraction.main(Fraction.java:238) 

Я не уверен, где и почему возникает ошибка.

package PJ1; 

public class Fraction implements FractionInterface, Comparable<Fraction> 
    private int numerator; 
    private int denominator; 

    public Fraction() 
     // set fraction to default = 0/1 
    } // end default constructor 

    public Fraction(int num, int den) 
     // implement this method! 
    } // end constructor 

    public void setFraction(int num, int den) 
     // implement this method! 
     // return FractionException if initial Denominator is 0 
      throw new ArithmeticException(); 
      den *=-1; 
      num *=-1; 

    } // end setFraction 

    public double toDouble() 
     // return double floating point value 
     // implement this method! 
     return (double) numerator/denominator; 
    } // end toDouble 

    public FractionInterface add(FractionInterface aFraction) 
// return a new Fraction object 
// a/b + c/d is (ad + cb)/(bd) 
// implement this method! 
     Fraction z = new Fraction((numerator *((Fraction)aFraction).denominator) + 
       (denominator *((Fraction)aFraction).numerator), 
       denominator * ((Fraction)aFraction).denominator); 
     return z; 
    } // end add 

    public FractionInterface subtract(FractionInterface aFraction) 
// return a new Fraction object 
// a/b - c/d is (ad - cb)/(bd) 
// implement this method! 
     Fraction z = new Fraction((numerator *((Fraction)aFraction).denominator) - 
       (denominator *((Fraction)aFraction).numerator), 
       denominator * ((Fraction)aFraction).denominator); 
     return z; 
    } // end subtract 

    public FractionInterface multiply(FractionInterface aFraction) 
// return a new Fraction object 
// a/b * c/d is (ac)/(bd) 
// implement this method! 
     Fraction z = new Fraction((numerator *((Fraction)aFraction).denominator) * 
       (denominator *((Fraction)aFraction).numerator), 
       denominator * ((Fraction)aFraction).denominator); 
     return z; 

    } // end multiply 

    public FractionInterface divide(FractionInterface aFraction) 
// return a new Fraction object 
// return FractionException if aFraction is 0 
// a/b/c/d is (ad)/(bc) 
// implement this method! 
     Fraction z = new Fraction((numerator *((Fraction)aFraction).denominator)/
       (denominator *((Fraction)aFraction).numerator), 
       denominator * ((Fraction)aFraction).denominator); 
     return z; 
     } // end divide 

    public FractionInterface getReciprocal() 
// return a new Fraction object 
// return FractionException if new Fraction is 0 
// implement this method! 
     if(numerator ==0) 
      throw new ArithmeticException(); 
     return new Fraction(denominator, numerator); 

    } // end getReciprocal 

    public boolean equals(Object other) 
// implement this method! 
     return (numerator == ((Fraction)other).numerator) && (denominator == ((Fraction)other).denominator); 

    } // end equals 

    public int compareTo(Fraction other) 
// implement this method! 
     if(toDouble() > other.toDouble()){ 
      return 2; 
     else if(toDouble() < other.toDouble()){ 
      return -2; 
      return 0; 
     } } 
     // end compareTo 

    public String toString() 
     return numerator + "/" + denominator; 
    } // end toString 

Ниже перечислены другие коды, которые я не должен изменить.

private void reduceFractionToLowestTerms() 
// implement this method! 
// Outline: 
// compute GCD of numerator & denominator 
// GCD works for + numeratorbers. 
// So, you should eliminate - sign 
// then reduce numeratorbers : numerator/GCD and denominator/GCD 
     boolean neg = false; 
     if(numerator== -1){ 
      numerator *= -1; 
      neg = true; 
     int gcd = GCD(Math.abs(numerator), Math.abs(denominator)); 

     numerator = numerator/gcd; 
     denominator = denominator/gcd; 
      numerator *=-1; 
    } // end reduceFractionToLowestTerms 

    /** Task: Computes the greatest common divisor of two integers. 
    * @param integerOne an integer 
    * @param integerTwo another integer 
    * @return the greatest common divisor of the two integers */ 
    private int GCD(int integerOne, int integerTwo) 
     int result; 

     if (integerOne % integerTwo == 0) 
      result = integerTwo; 
      result = GCD(integerTwo, integerOne % integerTwo); 

     return result; 
    } // end GCD 

    // Simple test is provided here 

    public static void main(String[] args) 
     FractionInterface firstOperand = null; 
     FractionInterface secondOperand = null; 
     FractionInterface result = null; 
double doubleResult = 0.0; 

     Fraction nineSixteenths = new Fraction(9, 16); // 9/16 
     Fraction oneFourth = new Fraction(1, 4); // 1/4 

     // 7/8 + 9/16 
     firstOperand = new Fraction(7, 8); 
     result = firstOperand.add(nineSixteenths); 
     System.out.println("The sum of " + firstOperand + " and " + 
       nineSixteenths + " is \t\t" + result); 
     System.out.println("\tExpected result :\t\t23/16\n"); 

     // 9/16 - 7/8 
     firstOperand = nineSixteenths; 
     secondOperand = new Fraction(7, 8); 
     result = firstOperand.subtract(secondOperand); 
     System.out.println("The difference of " + firstOperand + 
       " and " + secondOperand + " is \t" + result); 
     System.out.println("\tExpected result :\t\t-5/16\n"); 

     // 15/-2 * 1/4 
     firstOperand = new Fraction(15, -2); 
     result = firstOperand.multiply(oneFourth); 
     System.out.println("The product of " + firstOperand + 
       " and " + oneFourth + " is \t" + result); 
     System.out.println("\tExpected result :\t\t-15/8\n"); 

     // (-21/2)/(3/7) 
     firstOperand = new Fraction(-21, 2); 
     secondOperand= new Fraction(3, 7); 
     result = firstOperand.divide(secondOperand); 
     System.out.println("The quotient of " + firstOperand + 
       " and " + secondOperand + " is \t" + result); 
     System.out.println("\tExpected result :\t\t-49/2\n"); 

     // -21/2 + 7/8 
     firstOperand = new Fraction(-21, 2); 
     secondOperand= new Fraction(7, 8); 
     result = firstOperand.add(secondOperand); 
     System.out.println("The sum of " + firstOperand + 
       " and " + secondOperand + " is \t\t" + result); 
     System.out.println("\tExpected result :\t\t-77/8\n"); 

// 0/10, 5/(-15), (-22)/7 
     firstOperand = new Fraction(0, 10); 
doubleResult = firstOperand.toDouble(); 
     System.out.println("The double floating point value of " + firstOperand + " is \t" + doubleResult); 
     System.out.println("\tExpected result \t\t\t0.0\n"); 
     firstOperand = new Fraction(1, -3); 
doubleResult = firstOperand.toDouble(); 
     System.out.println("The double floating point value of " + firstOperand + " is \t" + doubleResult); 
     System.out.println("\tExpected result \t\t\t-0.333333333...\n"); 
     firstOperand = new Fraction(-22, 7); 
doubleResult = firstOperand.toDouble(); 
     System.out.println("The double floating point value of " + firstOperand + " is \t" + doubleResult); 
     System.out.println("\tExpected result \t\t\t-3.142857142857143"); 
     firstOperand = new Fraction(-21, 2); 
     System.out.println("First = " + firstOperand); 
     // equality check 
     System.out.println("check First equals First: "); 
     if (firstOperand.equals(firstOperand)) 
      System.out.println("Identity of fractions OK"); 
      System.out.println("ERROR in identity of fractions"); 

     secondOperand = new Fraction(-42, 4); 
     System.out.println("\nSecond = " + secondOperand); 
     System.out.println("check First equals Second: "); 
     if (firstOperand.equals(secondOperand)) 
      System.out.println("Equality of fractions OK"); 
      System.out.println("ERROR in equality of fractions"); 

     // comparison check 
     Fraction first = (Fraction)firstOperand; 
     Fraction second = (Fraction)secondOperand; 

     System.out.println("\ncheck First compareTo Second: "); 
     if (first.compareTo(second) == 0) 
      System.out.println("Fractions == operator OK"); 
      System.out.println("ERROR in fractions == operator"); 

     second = new Fraction(7, 8); 
     System.out.println("\nSecond = " + second); 
     System.out.println("check First compareTo Second: "); 
     if (first.compareTo(second) < 0) 
      System.out.println("Fractions < operator OK"); 
      System.out.println("ERROR in fractions < operator"); 

     System.out.println("\ncheck Second compareTo First: "); 
     if (second.compareTo(first) > 0) 
      System.out.println("Fractions > operator OK"); 
      System.out.println("ERROR in fractions > operator"); 


     System.out.println("\ncheck FractionException: 1/0"); 
     try { 
      Fraction a1 = new Fraction(1, 0);  
     System.out.println("Error! No FractionException"); 
     catch (FractionException fe) 
     System.err.printf("Exception: %s\n", fe); 
    } // end catch 
     System.out.println("Expected result : FractionException!\n"); 

     System.out.println("\ncheck FractionException: division"); 
     try { 
      Fraction a2 = new Fraction();  
      Fraction a3 = new Fraction(1, 2);  
     System.out.println("Error! No FractionException"); 
     catch (FractionException fe) 
     System.err.printf("Exception: %s\n", fe); 
    } // end catch 
     System.out.println("Expected result : FractionException!\n"); 

    } // end main 
} // end Fraction 

These are the following parts that I am given but I am not supposed to Modify. 

* Do not modify this file. 
* FractionException class. It is used by Fraction class 

    package PJ1; 

    public class FractionException extends RuntimeException 
    public FractionException() 

    public FractionException(String errorMsg) 


* This file specifies methods for FractionInterface  */ 
/* Do not modify this file!!    */ 

package PJ1; 

public interface FractionInterface 
/** Task: Sets a fraction to a given value. 
* @param num is the integer numerator 
* @param den is the integer denominator 
* @throws ArithmeticException if denominator is 0 */ 
public void setFraction(int num, int den); 

    /** Task: convert a fraction to double value 
    * @return the double floating point value of a fraction */ 
    public double toDouble(); 

    /** Task: Adds two fractions. 
    * @param aFraction is a fraction that is the second operand of the addition 
    * @return a fraction which is the sum of the invoking fraction and the aFraction */ 
    public FractionInterface add(FractionInterface aFraction); 

    /** Task: Subtracts two fractions. 
    * @param aFraction a fraction that is the second operand of the subtraction 
    * @return a fraction which is the difference of the invoking fraction and the second operand */ 
    public FractionInterface subtract(FractionInterface aFraction); 

    /** Task: Multiplies two fractions. 
    * @param aFraction a fraction that is the second operand of the multiplication 
    * @return a fraction which is the product of the invoking fraction and the aFraction*/ 
    public FractionInterface multiply(FractionInterface aFraction); 

    /** Task: Divides two fractions. 
    * @param aFraction a fraction that is the second operand of the division 
    * @return a fraction which the quotient of the invoking fraction and the aFraction 
* @throws FractionException if aFraction is 0 */ 
    public FractionInterface divide(FractionInterface aFraction); 

    /** Task: Get's the fraction's reciprocal 
    * @return the reciprocal of the invoking fraction 
* @throws FractionException if the new number with denominator is 0*/ 
    public FractionInterface getReciprocal(); 


Просьба указать строку 63 в своем коде? (Хотя я сильно подозреваю, что это тот, где вы пишете 'throw new ArithmeticException();') –


'throw new ArithmeticException();' не соответствует комментарию сразу над ним, что говорит 'FractionException'. –



Я не уверен, где/почему происходит ошибка.

Как ваш трассировки стека рассказывает, исключение выбрасывается на линии 63 в Fraction.java, это должно быть его:

     throw new ArithmeticException(); 

Не вызывайте эту функцию с 0, как знаменатель.


Извините, я немного смущен. Я должен бросить исключение, если знаменатель равен 0, так как вы не можете делить на 0. Я использую неправильное исключение? – Rorix


Нет, это не «неправильный» тип исключения, но ваш вопрос, похоже, «почему этот тип исключения выбрасывается и откуда», когда строка кода, которую вы указали, содержит инструкцию throw этого точного типа исключения , Непонятно, что вы на самом деле спрашиваете ... –


Я понимаю, о чем вы говорите. Однако даже если я удалю if (den == 0) throw new ArithmeticException(); Я все еще получаю ту же ошибку. – Rorix

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