2016-10-26 1 views

Извините за длинный пост ... много данных. У меня проблемы с хранением JSON в NSUserDefaults. Я создал встроенный PHP-сервис, который на обеих страницах возвращает JSON. Я не знаю, почему один JSON может быть сохранена и еще не ....Имея проблемы с хранением данных swiftyJSON в NSUserDefaults ... тот же источник данных

Заранее спасибо

В общем здесь есть PHP код, который возвращает данные

header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); 
echo json_encode($rows,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); 

socialmedia.php ВОЗВРАТ:

    "socialsites": [ 
      "type": "Government", 
      "entries": [ 
        "id": "1", 
        "name": "Pete", 
        "address": "https:\/\/website.com", 
        "medium": "WWW", 
        "section": "Government", 
        "zip": "02055", 
        "active": "Y" 
      "type": "School", 
      "entries": [ 
        "id": "2", 
        "name": "SITE2", 
        "address": "https:\/\/twitter.com\/test", 
        "medium": "TWITTER", 
        "section": "School", 
        "zip": "02055", 
        "active": "Y" 
      "type": "Organizations", 
      "entries": [ 
        "id": "3", 
        "name": "This Week Inserser", 
        "address": "https:\/\/www.resr.com", 
        "medium": "WWW", 
        "section": "Organizations", 
        "zip": "02055", 
        "active": "Y" 

Я м способен хранить его в NSUSERDefault используя

var swiftyJsonVar: JSON = "" 

var userdefaults = UserDefaults.standard 
func gettheData(){ 
    if let test = self.userdefaults.object(forKey: "socialtableJSON"){ 
    let whichzip = userdefaults.object(forKey: "workingZip") 
    Alamofire.request(openEVTjson,method:.get,parameters: ["zip_code":whichzip!]).validate().responseJSON{ 

     responseData in 
     switch responseData.result{ 

     case .success(let jJson): 
      self.swiftyJsonVar = JSON(jJson) 

      self.userdefaults.set(jJson, forKey: "socialtableJSON") 

Это все хорошо ... и работает, как ожидалось ....


    "events": [ 
      "category": "SCHOOLS" 
      "category": "RELIGOUS ORGANIZATIONS" 
      "category": "NON-RELIGOUS ORGANIZATIONS", 
      "events2": [ 
        "news_id": "12", 
        "news_id_parent": "12", 
        "series_id": "5", 
        "news_style": "Single-Day", 
        "news_finalized": "0", 
        "news_owner": "2", 
        "news_title": "TEST FOR Change JSON THIS IS A VERY LONG TITLE TO MAKE", 
        "news_contact": "Mr Contact", 
        "news_listdate": "1473944001", 
        "news_start_date": "1477530600", 
        "news_expiration": "1477537200", 
        "news_story": "This is the story text which will be the story text<br \/>This is the story text which will be the story text<br \/>This is the story text which will be the story text<br \/>This is the story text which will be the story text", 
        "news_image1": null, 
        "news_image2": null, 
        "news_ilue": "Y", 
        "news_priority": "N", 
        "news_location": "7 Main Street", 
        "news_location_zip": "02052", 
        "news_time": "", 
        "news_category": "3", 
        "news_admission": "50", 
        "news_needticketing": "N", 
        "news_tickets": "10", 
        "news_tickets_pur": null, 
        "news_tickets_ser": "Y", 
        "news_phone": "555-555-5555", 
        "news_email": "[email protected]", 
        "news_web": "http:\/\/www.cnn.com", 
        "news_sponsor": "Me Sponsor", 
        "news_story_released": "Y", 
        "news_organization": "1", 
        "news_basezip": "02052", 
        "news_surround": "N", 
        "news_attach": null, 
        "news_paid": "NP", 
        "news_weeks": "1", 
        "news_rate": null, 
        "txn_id": null, 
        "news_pay_auth_date": null, 
        "news_pay_date": null, 
        "org_id": "1", 
        "org_name": "New N' Towne", 
        "base_zip": "02052", 
        "description": "Organization for New People", 
        "cat_id": "3" 
      "category": "GOVERNMENT" 
      "category": "RETAIL" 
      "category": "YARD SALES" 
      "category": "OPEN HOUSES" 

Я иду хранить его с

var swiftyJsonVar: JSON = "" 
var userdefaults = UserDefaults.standard 

Alamofire.request(openEVTjson,method:.get,parameters: ["zip_code":whichzip]).validate().responseJSON{ 

     responseData in 
     switch responseData.result{ 

     case .success(let jJson): 
      self.swiftyJsonVar = JSON(jJson) 
      //let test = self.swiftyJsonVar.rawString() 
      self.userdefaults.set(jJson, forKey: "lastEventsJSON") 
      self.userdefaults.set(Date().timeIntervalSince1970, forKey: "lastEventsLoad") 

и я в конечном итоге с

2016-10-26 08:55:31.813 JSONTesting[79483:4081659] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Attempt to insert non-property list object { 
    events =  (
      category = SCHOOLS; 
      category = "RELIGOUS ORGANIZATIONS"; 
      events2 =    (
        "base_zip" = 02052; 
        "cat_id" = 3; 
        description = "Organization for New People"; 
        "news_admission" = 50; 
        "news_attach" = "<null>"; 
        "news_basezip" = 02052; 
        "news_category" = 3; 
        "news_contact" = "Mr Contact"; 
        "news_email" = "[email protected]"; 
        "news_expiration" = 1477537200; 
        "news_finalized" = 0; 
        "news_id" = 12; 
        "news_id_parent" = 12; 
        "news_ilue" = Y; 
        "news_image1" = "<null>"; 
        "news_image2" = "<null>"; 
        "news_listdate" = 1473944001; 
        "news_location" = "7 Main Street"; 
        "news_location_zip" = 02052; 
        "news_needticketing" = N; 
        "news_organization" = 1; 
        "news_owner" = 2; 
        "news_paid" = NP; 
        "news_pay_auth_date" = "<null>"; 
        "news_pay_date" = "<null>"; 
        "news_phone" = "555-555-5555"; 
        "news_priority" = N; 
        "news_rate" = "<null>"; 
        "news_sponsor" = "Me Sponsor"; 
        "news_start_date" = 1477530600; 
        "news_story" = "This is the story text which will be the story text<br />This is the story text which will be the story text<br />This is the story text which will be the story text<br />This is the story text which will be the story text"; 
        "news_story_released" = Y; 
        "news_style" = "Single-Day"; 
        "news_surround" = N; 
        "news_tickets" = 10; 
        "news_tickets_pur" = "<null>"; 
        "news_tickets_ser" = Y; 
        "news_time" = ""; 
        "news_title" = "TEST FOR Change JSON THIS IS A VERY LONG TITLE TO MAKE"; 
        "news_web" = "http://www.cnn.com"; 
        "news_weeks" = 1; 
        "org_id" = 1; 
        "org_name" = "New N' Towne"; 
        "series_id" = 5; 
        "txn_id" = "<null>"; 
      category = GOVERNMENT; 
      category = RETAIL; 
      category = "YARD SALES"; 
      category = "OPEN HOUSES"; 
} for key lastEventsJSON' 

Вам необходимо очистить JSON, удалив значения NSNull или заменив их значениями по умолчанию. – Callam


Я добавил array_walk_recursive ($ value, function (& $ item, $ key) { $ item = null === $ item? '': $ Item; }); до конца PHP до того, как я буду JSON_ENCODE. Если бы я мог бы продвигать вас больше, чем когда-то. Это была спасательная жизнь ... потратил на это 10 часов. Если yo upost это как ответ, я проверю его и выкопаю его также – BostonMacOSX


Обратите внимание, что в вашем 'NSUserDefaults' можно сохранить объект NSData', вам не нужно беспокоиться о значениях' '. – Larme



Вы должны урезать свой JSON либо удаление значений NSNull или заменить их значениями по умолчанию.

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