2014-12-03 2 views

Я дебютирую в qt/C++, я использую ubuntu os. Я ищу образец программы, который поможет мне использовать libusb1.0 с qt.Пример программы QT с использованием libusb1.0?

Программа должна: Дисплей USB устройства, подключенные, чтения/записи данныхот/к USB-устройства.

Пожалуйста, мне нужна помощь.

Благодаря & & Привет


я попытался восстановить код ** [основных примеров libusb] (http://libusb.sourceforge.net/doc/examples-code.html) * * но я не нашел много функций, таких как libusb_find_busses() ... –



Я пытался с этим примером qt_lisbusb

При подключении к USB-устройства (флэш-диск, например), программа определяет, но не может открыть его.

код, который я использую:

void Qt_libusb::listview_populate_usb_devices() { 
    ui->listWidget->clear(); //clearing the list view 

    libusb_device_handle *device_handle; //handle to USB device 
    libusb_device_descriptor device_descriptor; //the device descriptor 
    libusb_device **device_list; //to store all found USB devices 
    libusb_context *ctx; //a libusb context for library intialization 
    ssize_t i; //for the device iterator for loop 
    ssize_t device_count; //holding number of devices in list 
    QString list_entry; //for using library outputs in char * in Qt framework 

    int r; //for return values 
    int progress_bar_value = 0; 
    int progress_bar_correction = 0; 
    char device_open = 0; //for checking whether a device was opened or not 
    unsigned char string_buffer_manufacturer[4096]; //for storing manufacturer descriptor 
    unsigned char string_buffer_product[4096]; //for storing product descriptor 
    const char *cc_manufacturer; //for the casting to use the string output from libusb in Qt 
    const char *cc_product; //for the casting to use the string output from libusb in Qt 

    r = libusb_init(&ctx); //initializing the library 

    //inform error on status bar 
    if(r < 0) ui->statusBar->showMessage("Error: Initializing libusb"); 

     //detecting all the connected devices 
     device_count = libusb_get_device_list(ctx, &device_list); 

     //inform error on status bar 
     if(device_count <= 0) ui->statusBar->showMessage("Info: No device found"); 

      //resetting the progress bar 

      //for loop iterating through found devices 
       //getting device descriptor 
       r = libusb_get_device_descriptor(device_list[i], &device_descriptor); 

       //inform error on status bar 
       if(r < 0) ui->statusBar->showMessage("Error: Failed to get device descriptor"); 

        //opening the device 
        r = libusb_open(device_list[i],&device_handle); 

        if(r < 0) 
         //inform error on status bar 
         ui->statusBar->showMessage("Error: Opening USB device"); 
         //indicating that device is not open 
         device_open = 0; 

         //indicating that device is open 
         device_open = 1; 

         //getting the ASCII text value from the descriptor field 
         r = libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(device_handle,device_descriptor.iManufacturer,string_buffer_manufacturer,sizeof(string_buffer_manufacturer)); 

         if(r < 0) 
          //reporting error on the list entry 
          ui->listWidget->addItem("Error: Converting descriptor to ASCII [iManufacturer]"); 
          ui->listWidget->item(ui->listWidget->count() - 1)->setForeground(Qt::white); 
          ui->listWidget->item(ui->listWidget->count() - 1)->setBackground(Qt::red); 

          //getting the ASCII text value from the descriptor field 
          r = libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(device_handle,device_descriptor.iProduct,string_buffer_product,sizeof(string_buffer_product)); 

          if(r < 0) 
           //reporting error on the list entry 
           ui->listWidget->addItem("Error: Converting descriptor to ASCII [iProduct]"); 
           ui->listWidget->item(ui->listWidget->count() - 1)->setForeground(Qt::white); 
           ui->listWidget->item(ui->listWidget->count() - 1)->setBackground(Qt::red); 

           //converting the string to const char* 
           cc_manufacturer = (const char*)string_buffer_manufacturer; 
           QString manufacturer(cc_manufacturer); 

           //converting the string to const char* 
           cc_product = (const char*)string_buffer_product; 
           QString product(cc_product); 

           //constructing the string for list entry 
           list_entry = manufacturer + " " + product; 

           ui->listWidget->addItem(list_entry); //adding the list entry 

           //closing opened USB device 
           if (device_open == 1) 
            //closing the deivce 
            //indicating that device is open 
            device_open = 0; 

           //calculate and set the progress bar value 
           progress_bar_value = (i+1) * (100/device_count); 

           //correcting value 
           if ((i+1) == device_count) 
            progress_bar_correction = 100 - progress_bar_value; 
            progress_bar_value = progress_bar_value + progress_bar_correction; 

           //setting the value 
      //closing opened USB device 
      if (device_open == 1) 
       //closing the deivce 
       //indicating that device is open 
       device_open = 0; 
    } } 

Привет, Я решил эту проблему. вы должны добавить разрешение для текущего пользователя открыть USB-устройство. вы должны сделать что-то вроде [этого] (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22713834/libusb-cannot-open-usb-device-permission-isse-netbeans-ubuntu) thanks && regards –

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