2013-12-12 4 views

У меня есть этот запрос SQLПример Критерии Hibernate Multiple Join/Table SQL

select pr.*,p.id, cf.nome, p.valor_total as "valor total", f.descricao as "forma de pagamento", t.descricao as "tipo de pagamento", s.descricao as "Status" from pedido p 
    left join cliente c on c.id = p.id_cliente 
    left join cliente_pessoa_fisica cf on cf.id_cliente = c.id 
    left join forma_pagamento f on f.id = p.id_forma_pagamento 
    left join tipo_pagamento t on t.id = p.id_tipo_pagamento 
    left join status_pedido s on s.id = p.id_status_pedido 
    left join itempedido itp on itp.id_pedido = p.id 
    left join produto pr on pr.id = itp.id_produto 

Как можно сделать критерии Hibernate SQL, используя этот запрос?


Что вы пробовали до сих пор? –



Вот мой лучший выстрел, имена классов могут быть разными

CriteriaBuilder qb = entityMan.getCriteriaBuilder(); 
    CriteriaQuery<Pedido> criteriaQuery = qb.createQuery(Pedido.class); 
    Root<Pedido> root = criteriaQuery.from(Pedido.class); 

    * if the Cliente is a list you should use ListJoin instead of Join so it's ListJoin<Pedido, Cliente> 
    *if you don't have metadata you can use root.join(root.get("id_cliente")). 
    Join<Pedido, Cliente> cliente = root.join(Pedido_.id_cliente, JoinType.LEFT); 
    Join<Cliente, ClientePessoaFisica> clientePessoaFisica = cliente.join(Cliente_.id, JoinType.LEFT);//or if you don't have metadata you can use root.join(cliente.get("id_cliente")) 
    Join<Pedido, FormaPagamento> formaPagamento = root.join(Pedido_.id_forma_pagamento, JoinType.LEFT); //or if you don't have metadata you can use root.join(root.get("id_forma_pagamento")) 
    Join<Pedido, TipoPagamento> tipoPagamento = root.join(Pedido_.id_tipo_pagamento, JoinType.LEFT);//or if you don't have metadata you can use root.join(root.get("id_tipo_pagamento")) 
    Join<Pedido, StatusPedido> statusPedido = root.join(Pedido_.id_status_pedido, JoinType.LEFT);//or if you don't have metadata you can use root.join(root.get("id_status_pedido")) 
    Join<Pedido, Itempedido> itempedido = root.join(Pedido_.id, JoinType.LEFT);//or if you don't have metadata you can use root.join(root.get("id")) 
    Join<Itempedido, Produto> produto = itempedido.join(Itempedido_.id_produto, JoinType.LEFT);//or if you don't have metadata you can use root.join(itempedido.get("id_produto")) 

    * Here you can select what ever you want, here's an example and you can complete it yourself :) 
    * But I would remove this line and select the object itself Pedido 
    * Now it depends on you FetchType of the relationships, you might need fetch join 
    criteriaQuery.multiselect(root.get("id"), root.get("valor_total"), formaPagamento.get("descricao")); 

    TypedQuery<Pedido> query = entityMan.createQuery(criteriaQuery); 
    return query.getResultList(); 

Мужчина, это очень полезно !! Большое спасибо! –

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