2017-01-29 7 views

Я пытаюсь сделать автозаполнение api для одной модели в django. Первый раз, используя стог сена с эластичным поиском. Когда я нажимаю api SearchQuerySet возвращает массив пустых объектов.Haystack SearchQuerySet return Пустой массив объектов


from __future__ import unicode_literals 

from django.db import models 

class Movie(models.Model): 
    title = models.CharField(max_length=250) 
    year = models.CharField(max_length=250) 
    location = models.CharField(max_length=250) 
    fun_fact = models.CharField(max_length=250, null=True) 
    production_company = models.CharField(max_length=250) 
    director = models.CharField(max_length=250) 
    actor1 = models.CharField(max_length=250) 
    actor2 = models.CharField(max_length=250, null=True) 
    actor3 = models.CharField(max_length=250, null=True) 
    longitude = models.DecimalField(max_digits=9, decimal_places=6) 
    latitude = models.DecimalField(max_digits=9, decimal_places=6) 

    def __str__(self): 
     return self.title 


from haystack import indexes 
from models import Movie 

class MovieIndex(indexes.SearchIndex, indexes.Indexable): 
    text = indexes.CharField(document=True, use_template=True) 
    year = indexes.CharField(model_attr='year') 

    content_auto = indexes.EdgeNgramField(model_attr='title') 

    def get_model(self): 
     return Movie 

    def index_queryset(self, using=None): 
     """Used when the entire index for model is updated.""" 
     return self.get_model().objects.all() 


from django.shortcuts import render 

# Create your views here. 
import json 
from django.http import HttpResponse 
from haystack.query import SearchQuerySet 

def autocomplete(request): 
    sqs = SearchQuerySet().all() 
    suggestions = [result.title for result in sqs] 
    # Make sure you return a JSON object, not a bare list. 
    # Otherwise, you could be vulnerable to an XSS attack. 
    the_data = json.dumps({ 
     'results': suggestions 
    return HttpResponse(the_data, content_type='application/json') 


{{ object.title }} 
{{ object.year }} 
{{ object.production_company }} 
{{ object.director }} 

Индексация делается ниже мои данные индекса

"took": 60, 
"timed_out": false, 
"_shards": { 
    "total": 5, 
    "successful": 5, 
    "failed": 0 
"hits": { 
    "total": 22, 
    "max_score": 1, 
    "hits": [ 
     "_index": "haystack", 
     "_type": "modelresult", 
     "_id": "app.movie.7", 
     "_score": 1, 
     "_source": { 
     "django_ct": "app.movie", 
     "django_id": "7", 
     "year": "1978", 
     "text": "A Night Full of Rain\n1978\nLiberty Film\nLina Wertmuller\n", 
     "id": "app.movie.7" 
     "_index": "haystack", 
     "_type": "modelresult", 
     "_id": "app.movie.9", 
     "_score": 1, 
     "_source": { 
     "django_ct": "app.movie", 
     "django_id": "9", 
     "year": "1997", 
     "text": "A Smile Like Yours\n1997\nParamount Pictures\nKeith Samples\n", 
     "id": "app.movie.9" 
     "_index": "haystack", 
     "_type": "modelresult", 
     "_id": "app.movie.13", 
     "_score": 1, 
     "_source": { 
     "django_ct": "app.movie", 
     "django_id": "13", 
     "year": "1985", 
     "text": "A View to a Kill\n1985\nMetro-Goldwyn Mayer\nJohn Glen\n", 
     "id": "app.movie.13" 
     "_index": "haystack", 
     "_type": "modelresult", 
     "_id": "app.movie.14", 
     "_score": 1, 
     "_source": { 
     "django_ct": "app.movie", 
     "django_id": "14", 
     "year": "1985", 
     "text": "A View to a Kill\n1985\nMetro-Goldwyn Mayer\nJohn Glen\n", 
     "id": "app.movie.14" 
     "_index": "haystack", 
     "_type": "modelresult", 
     "_id": "app.movie.16", 
     "_score": 1, 
     "_source": { 
     "django_ct": "app.movie", 
     "django_id": "16", 
     "year": "1985", 
     "text": "A View to a Kill\n1985\nMetro-Goldwyn Mayer\nJohn Glen\n", 
     "id": "app.movie.16" 
     "_index": "haystack", 
     "_type": "modelresult", 
     "_id": "app.movie.20", 
     "_score": 1, 
     "_source": { 
     "django_ct": "app.movie", 
     "django_id": "20", 
     "year": "1936", 
     "text": "After the Thin Man\n1936\nMetro-Goldwyn Mayer\nW.S. Van Dyke\n", 
     "id": "app.movie.20" 
     "_index": "haystack", 
     "_type": "modelresult", 
     "_id": "app.movie.22", 
     "_score": 1, 
     "_source": { 
     "django_ct": "app.movie", 
     "django_id": "22", 
     "year": "2015", 
     "text": "Age of Adaline\n2015\nLionsgate/Sidney Kimmel Entertainment/Lakeshore Entertainment\nLee Toland Krieger\n", 
     "id": "app.movie.22" 
     "_index": "haystack", 
     "_type": "modelresult", 
     "_id": "app.movie.15", 
     "_score": 1, 
     "_source": { 
     "django_ct": "app.movie", 
     "django_id": "15", 
     "year": "1985", 
     "text": "A View to a Kill\n1985\nMetro-Goldwyn Mayer\nJohn Glen\n", 
     "id": "app.movie.15" 
     "_index": "haystack", 
     "_type": "modelresult", 
     "_id": "app.movie.17", 
     "_score": 1, 
     "_source": { 
     "django_ct": "app.movie", 
     "django_id": "17", 
     "year": "1985", 
     "text": "A View to a Kill\n1985\nMetro-Goldwyn Mayer\nJohn Glen\n", 
     "id": "app.movie.17" 
     "_index": "haystack", 
     "_type": "modelresult", 
     "_id": "app.movie.1", 
     "_score": 1, 
     "_source": { 
     "django_ct": "app.movie", 
     "django_id": "1", 
     "year": "2011", 
     "text": "180\n2011\nSPI Cinemas\nJayendra\n", 
     "id": "app.movie.1" 

выход API

"results": [ 



Не вижу проблемы с индексами тех пор, как вы убедитесь, что индексы обновляются. В ваших представлениях вы не передаете поисковый запрос или не используете поле автозаполнения для запроса. Попробуйте с этим.

def autocomplete(request): 
    search_query = request.GET.get("q",None) 
    if not search_query: 
     raise Http404 
    autosuggest = SearchQuerySet().autocomplete(content_auto=search_query)[:5] 
     autosuggest_results = map(lambda x: x.object.title, autosuggest) 
     response = {"results": autosuggest_results} 
     return JsonResponse(response) 
    except Exception: 
     raise Http404() 

все еще пустой результат ... вы хотите получить дополнительную информацию. ?? – Naresh


пост обновления ответа он работает сейчас .. Спасибо .. – Naresh

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